The Definition of Miracle healing

in #art2 months ago

Hey everyone, at the beginning I would like to welcome you to my new contribution and hope you have a week so far which is full of interesting experiences! In this article I would like to address an important topic and would be happy if you can expand your knowledge.

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If people have serious diseases and these are cured without there being an explanation for it and all other laws of nature expire in the process, this is also called miracle healing. Doctors have no explanation for these cases and leave even the best doctors in amazement and every year reports of such cases appear again and again that can definitely be admired and known example are diseases that have disappeared from one day to the next or blind people who suddenly have their sight again. It must always be differentiated whether it's really a miracle or not because often some time later, the cause of the healing was found and therefore the cases are usually less and with all the document cases people have to deduct a whole amount again and even if it's a worldwide occurring phenomenon, there are places where the cases accumulate. The psyche must always be included because there are many cases in which a placebo effect can also be assumed and generally there could be so many other causes of which those affected often do not know anything and therefore miracle cures are rarely recognised. Already in ancient cultures there were such cases which in this context were mostly associated with religious ideas and it was said that it were divine hands that had cured the disease and in some cultures there were also healers which were known for healing people in a miraculous way like shamans. The reports of some people are really incredible and prove that in addition to science there are many hidden things that have given many people in need a light and these experiences can also be associated with occultism.

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Thanks for stopping by and I hope you could learn something new about this topic! I captured these pictures with my Camera Sony Alpha 6000 plus 55-210 mm lens.


Miracle healing is common but does it happen in cases of big diseases?

It usually refers to such cases

The mind is extremely powerful, sometimes it can help heal... It would be nice to discover the reasons of healing, that could heal other people

You recognised that well! A large part of the diseases is related to the psyche and is often incorrectly recognised in medicine.