How Would You Define Art? By EdgarsArt

in #art7 years ago

I guess there is no complete definition to describe what is Art? Nowadays this word ia being thrown around so much and I guess 100 k things could be and are being called an Art.
If i am not looking at it so specific,then art for me is a state of mind in which something beautiful/meaningful is being born. Being created. That would be my definition. If i could think of any.
Now we all know that for some one thing is meaningful but for someone else ut could be a waste. Which ia why I think Art does not belong to a certain taste, certain group of people or certain opinion. It is different for everyone which makes it even more special. Also every culture is looking at art in a slightly different way.
Through the history it has changed so many times,that I suppose no one can actually say what art is. The only way how we can see it, is by our senses. By our feelings. How impacted we feel and in a which way.

To be a little bit factual I did some research and found out that the word Art itself is related to the latin word:
Ars- art/skill/craft
Of course there are so many ways in todays modern society how to be creative,artistic, that these 3 words are hiding yet almost thousands of themes behind them.
I really wanted to end this post with a quote. A quote i love so much that it fits here more than anything.

Leo Tolstoy:
"Art is a human activity consisting in this,that one man consciously, by means of certain external signs,hangs on to others feelings he has lived through and that others are infected by these feelings and also experience then.
This is one of the best in depth definition of art i know!


Every drawing i publish in my posts is done by me. Original artwork

I included a link to my verification post.
All of the content posted here are done by me. OriginalEe


I agree with your opinion, many things are said to be an art, but sometimes people just think of art on one thing

oh yes,but the main purpose still is one for all

Nice work.

I think art is something that engenders an emotional response. The deeper the emotion, the better the art - if there was to be a comparison, which I don't really think you can do.

for example - the lion you posted here evokes an emotional response - a sense of wonder and majesty, not only in the animal portrayed, but also in the skill used to create the image.

As people have different tastes and desires, different art forms will appeal to different people.

For example, I've been to the ballet and watched a performance. This was the national New Zealand ballet company, so they ere pretty good. I knew two of the dancers, who were in fact my computer programming students.

(they were retraining for a time when they could no longer dance)

While the performance itself did not really touch me, I still felt the beauty and art in their movements, their body control, strength and agility. There was art in the way they performed.

There are these days, many 'art' forms that are simply marketing materials, not designed to engage an audience or promote a sense of wonder, they are designed to sell products and services, or to simply shock - as if that was the only emotion left to tap into.

I think in these cases, they have missed the point.

You however, have not, and I'm very grateful for that. ;-)

Thank you so much!
Often nowadays people also are too busy and tired at the end of the day,that they usually just want to enjoy some sort of a creativity,some beauty,might even be without that "deep" meaning behind it. Which is not a bad thing,and it is also art in that way.
As long as it helps i guess- to help people relax,to enjoy,or it other cases to shock,to make them think, both ways it is an essential part of out existence.

A definition of ART is difficult as the perceptions of individuals, is just that... an individual state of consciousness. So here are a couple of ideas:

A Retinal Titillation
A Refined Talent
A Recognizable Temptation

People are drawn by many things that are dependent on their past, their present and their desires of their future... Luckily and sometimes frustratingly, Art is always in the eye of the beholder.

With no doubt,Art reflects our lives,our thoughts,dreams,desires,everything. It is like the truth,everyone has it and it can be different for everyone

In two words: art is universal and without limits. It is measured by its ambiguity. Art has a value if it is ambiguous and polysemic.

Very well said,could not agree more

"A state of mind in which something beautiful/meaningful is being born; Being created"

Your definition above is all encompassing. It caters for all the ambiguity of so many other definitions of art.

For me, I would say art is a physical expression of man's inner beauty. It is an exhibition of creativity and beauty trapped within.

In between, that is a beautiful art you have got there @edgarsart


Hello! You saif it amazingly! I agree. It is fir sure something we find deep within us

The Tolstoy promise is really one of the best definitions.
I applaud you for your perfect drawing. you are the best in this regard

Oh yes,i love it too
Thank you!!!:)

Nice art thanks for sharing


That's a majestic lion!

Thank you!

the concept of art is vast now
there are different categorizes of art as well

yes,i agree!

good post


Excellent art & nice post...thanks for sharing..dear @edgarsart

Thank you:))

Nyc thought .


I love it!! Its amazing!

there is no exact definition of art in words.
it's just like a passion and affection one have.
nice post as usual.
have a great day beyond.

Thank you @princepr !

your welcome my friend.

I would love to comment first on this, your work is so amazing . So outstanding and with no virus found. Thanks for sharing this.

so cool! you're really talented