
People look i get Auto downvotet by user @patrice with his bot mack-bot. Hes tracking me and downvoting every commetn from me. How can steemit work when people are abusing his power? It was because of my selfvoting and now look what can happen. Stupid tracking me with a biot and auto downvortng. This should nothappen on steemit.

whenever i selfvote. What is not against the rules. HEs downvoting me. Wtf is this? Is that steemits future? Bot down vote wars? So my only response is to do the same? How stupid is this mechanic?

im very new on Steemit, wtf ? down vote bot???

mack-bot is a bot flagging just spam.
@dowha spammed so he receive flags.

If you have a problem with it discuss it directly with Patrice.

But we don't care about your problems as it was your fault.

mack-bot is not just randomly flagging people. I know that.