How long do you really spend looking at art in museums?
Few days ago I read article about "how long do people really spend looking at art in museum"?
- People don't spend that much time looking at art
Researchers says that nowadays people spend about 17 seconds (an average) looking at one of art work. They raised hypothesis that phones changed our habits of looking.
There are other horrible fact - abou 35% of people doing nothing except their selfies. Even we have new concept of that - "arties"!
Do you want to be a famous artist? You should do big format funny background due goods selfies/arties... This world goes more and more crazy! heh
All photos are mine
I think it depends on the type of art. I agree that I don't look at "modern" art very much (like a black box on a white canvas) - I mean there really isn't much to look at! However, I will spend a long time looking at a piece of Renaissance art because I really like to see how they used light and shadows, etc. I like to see what their brush strokes actually did.
I wish there were some good art museums in my area.... at any rate, a memory that sticks out in my mind is seeing, for my first time, an actual painting by Salvadore Dali. Not print picture or poster, but an actual painting done by his hand.
Completely different experience. Can't put words to it entirely, but it was kind of like getting in touch with the fact that this is an object created by a person, not just some image that emerged anonymously from the realm of culture. Really awakening moment.
These are my photos from my “Really awakening moment”. Then you like artist and seeing actual painting done by his hand.. Oh yeah! that’s why I so liked London galleries. Warhol, Van Gogh...! short of breath!