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RE: Art in Techno-Music #9 -Modular synthesis in space (+details)

in #art6 years ago

Oh man, the details you have managed to pulled off is so amazing. All these knobs, hanging cables, and pianos! Like other people's comments, it has this retro feeling that you'd see in 80's. I bet it took you a long time to complete this - so worth all the effort though!

One-point perspective is spot on. Also helps to enhance the composition by directing my attention to three men. It got great depth! 👍



Thanks @dm7! Glad you're appreciating =)

Took around a week if I remember correctly. Taking the time always worth it but I reckon it is somehow difficult nowadays.

Symmetria or oine point are charming to use as they indeed focuses somewhere but at the same time, it can divert from the rest, still I dig it too :D

Thanks again .)

You're welcome @haedre! :) A good artwork always take a serious amount of dedication and time - I think this 1 week was worth it. :) And yeah, like everything else, it can either make the composition work or break it. You just gotta master it and... hope for the best? Haha.
