I like collecting art. I don't have unlimited funds, so I am very value-conscious. As I am from India, I mainly focus on comtemporary Indian Art, which is a fascinating and vibrant space that certainly captures my imagination. I collect for pleasure, and not for a return. I am not trained in any sense. I look for art that speaks to me at a deep, emotional level. Today, I felt like sharing with the community two pieces of art from my own (fledgling) collection, that I am particularly proud of. I would also like to think of this as a way to introduce some of you to contemporary Indian art, which you may not have encountered previously.
More about the artist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S._G._Vasudev
More about the artist: http://www.livemint.com/Leisure/bcYAFaR3bdMkL6ht3BSXQJ/Going-South.html
An inability to convey the beauty of these artworks is purely down to my own inadequacies as a photographer, and nothing else. These two artworks emotionally resonate with me and fill me with a certain undefinable nostalgic contentment whenever I gaze at them. I hope you like them too.
Yo have some cool art. @divinespark
Thanks, funnyman