Inspired by the magical discoveries and investigations in quantum theory, supported by human existence, I examine the shape of metaphysical questions in my work.
- What is identity?
- From what do I exist?
- What constitutes the world and reality?
Our body, if you zoom in far enough, consists only of a small portion of mass and the rest is space, nothing. My experience suggests the contrary; my body is the mass that places me in the physical world. But am I my body or is my body a result of my being? Where do I exist, if I am not my body? Are my actions, experiences, memories, thoughts, a causality? The result of my ancestors or am I just a survival mechanism of my genes.
In my work, I'm searching for a dynamic form that can convey these thoughts to the viewer. Using the abstract amorphous quality of paint I play with figuration and abstraction. The figuration creates a bridge to abstract thinking, in which form and thoughts merge and repel each other, to offer the viewer a new perception.
I'll just leave this here.