About both Festival Nuevas Bandas and its Foundation
The aforementioned fest has taken place 27 times so far, and many of Venezuelan rock most important musical ensembles have participated at it including: Los Amigos Invisibles, Zapato 3, Desorden Público, Dermis Tatú, Caramelos de Cianuro , Candy 66, Viniloversus, La Vida Bohème, Los Mesoneros and McKlopedia.
Alright, then. Without further ado, I’ll tell you about my experience as a spectator at the Fest.
Day 1: Saturday
Just in time
(First act)At first instance, Colibrí wasn’t going to play songs from their own. Instead, they were given the honor and responsibility to pay tribute to one of the Country’s most important musicians: song writer Vytas Brenner, an outstanding man who was the first to fuse progressive rock with music genres from Venezuelan folklore.
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The tribute was incredible, they performed a medley of the songs Agua Clara, Maracaibo, Caracas Para Locos and La Suite. The band seemed very fresh and natural on stage although they said -at the beginning of the concert- that they started setting the tribute up just 3 days before the music fest. Vytas fans were having a blast and even those who seemed not to have listened to his music before were nodding to the rhythm of the songs. I was recording it all as I kept thinking time after time that it was the most remarkable tribute that I had listened to at Nuevas Bandas Music Fest.
The Band members left the stage very fast because they were in a hurry to perform again at the theater. They had around 30 minutes to both change clothes and get to the other stage so they ran to the dressing rooms in order to get ready for what would actually be Colibrí’s show. Meanwhile, I had another issue to deal with: how the heck to get there.
Using the perks of being a photographer
That’s how I used my secret weapon, I told the doorkeeper: “Hi, I’m the Band photographer and I need to get in” and as if by magic the girl gave me a small ticket with a printed number and told me “Photographers go on the first two rows, enjoy the show”. I made it to the theater blessed by the power of having a reflex camera, yes!
The opened with the song “Parásito” and ended with “Wakame” . The whole show was very enjoyable and full of energy from beginning to end, there were even moments when I couldn’t either record the show or take any photo because I was too busy living the moment. I sang, jumped and I even felt like crying with the song “El Daño”. I enjoyed their performance and, when it was over, I put down my camera to head for the dressing rooms. I congratulated the Band since I was very proud of them, especially of Juan David and Carlos -the Band guitar player and singer respectively- for we’ve been friends since school and seeing both of them grow artistically as well as push themselves for their goals made me feel a lot of joy and inspiration.
Closing event for the first day
Le Cinema
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Day 2: Sunday

I got there earlier this time and I once more used the perk of being a photographer in order to get in quickly. Because of this, I had the opportunity to take photos of much more bands. So let’s talk about their music!
The bands

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Drosera Capensis
With a completely faithful to progressive rock vibe, we have Drosera Capensis band. They come from Barquisimeto and have both a peculiar name and a very particular sound due to the variation between genres such as garage, stoner and psychedelic rock… in the same song!
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YouTube Channel: Drosera Capensis
- Curious fact: “Drosera Capensis” is the scientific name of a carnivorous plant, one of the best at thriving despite environment changes
Gran Radio Riviera
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“And the winner Festival Nuevas Bandas winner is… Anakena!”
Special Mentions
The bands Nomásté (from Caracas), Drosera Capensis (from Barquisimeto) and Frailes (from Valencia) were given special recognition at the Music Fest
This year’s Fest felt like a very nice experience for me, taking pictures of all those bands from the front row was delightful. I hope you people take a look at these artists and…
May the playlist keep growing!

All the photographs in this post were taken by me.
I apologize for my absence during these months, due to the heavy rains that have been in my city all the area where I live was without internet due to wiring problems. Added to this my computer was damaged 'cause fell water by a leak that was in my room. I have to send it for repair But they already gave it back to me, so I will return to work to generate more content.
My previous posts

Rolooo de post!! mis respetos.
Muchas gracias de verdad!
Hi cronosclocks,
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This was the first time i heard about this Festival Nuevas Bandas. Although I was not there personally, i could imagined the atmosphere there. How people move their body and sang together when the band performed. You must be a rock fan based on your introduction in this post and how you enjoyed this concert.
Did it attract a lot of tourist from other country? It really a fantastic way to introduce the country to others and gather all the music lover together.How smart was you @cronosclocks to pass through the 100 people by telling you are the photographer. I wonder how many of these people used the creative way to move in.
Yeah well, I was crafty hahaha. And you're right, I love rock! This festival has 27 editions, and are years of work, but internationally is not as well known as it should be, but nationally is one of the most renowned.
I don't know if you've heard the band Viniloversus, they were touring around the USA as they started making music in English, that band participated in this festival. I recommend you listen.
Thank you for leaving your comment and for the support.
Oh maan haha, you're band camera guy sneak master story got me haha :D well played sir, well played :D I used to do similar thing to get into those big houses full of flats when I wanted to scare my friends. I always rang some random name and told them I'm a post guy :D They remotely opened the door and I always scared the shit of my friends, hiding under the stairs haha :D Regarding bands, I don't know any haha, so can't add much :D glad you enjoyed it there tho! :)
Hahaha thank you @matkodurko. What a funny story you have. You can check their youtube channels to see if you like any of the bands, the question is that they sing in Spanish.
el problema en Venezuela con el internet es algo que todos padecemos. llueve un poco y todo es un caos. Excelente post amigo, una vez fui a un festival nuevas bandas en caracas y me gusto muchisimo. Es importante que esos espacios nunca se pierdan. Este pais tiene mucho talento que ofrecer.
Mucho éxito a tus amigos de Colibrí. felicitaciones por tu voto curie. Saludos desde Barquisimeto.
Que fino que has asistido al festival, este es el segundo al que yo asisto y estuvo mucho mejor que el anterior a mi parecer. Concuerdo contigo, estos espacios son necesarios para que los nuevos talentos se den a conocer entre todos, partiendo de estos eventos se crean muchos lazos y conexiones entre artistas de distintas disciplinas y eso es super enriquecedor.
Muchas gracias por la buena vibra, un abrazo desde la capital.
Excelente post amiga, muchas gracias por compartir tu experiencia con nosotros, desconocia de este festival, cuando tengo la oportunidad de ir más hacia el centro de Caracas puedo ver festivales pequeños donde se presentan un sin número de talentosas personas, y que sin importar el género que se esté presentado se puede vivir un ambiente espectacular incluso yo lo disfruto bastante. El festival al que asististe se vio bastante genial y me gustaron mucho las fotografías que capturaste.. Muchas felicidades por tu voto curie súper merecido..!! Una gran abrazo @cronosclocks
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This post has been upvoted by @celfmagazine. A curation project and digital art and culture magazine.
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Howdy from Texas sir cronosclocks! This is quite an excellent post! I love the way you got into the concert in the first place, lol. And then your breakdown of each band is detailed and very descriptive so great job!
You sound like you go to alot of concerts perhaps?
Thanks for the support, I'm glad you liked the post. You are right @janton, I go to many concerts because I am also a musician haha so I enjoy attending and usually I will support my musician friends in fact.
Howdy again cronosclocks! Well I love your attitude about supporting other muscians so good for you. I see you are in Venezuela? How is it going down there, are there many shortages of food and other items?
Sure! We all have to support each other hehe. Yes, I'm from Venezuela and well the situation here is quite bad to tell the truth. The shortage has been going on for years, but in the last few months it has gotten much worse. The inflation is already dollarized, and everything goes up in price every day, it is very difficult to live here because the money is not enough, saving is absurd in this country. But well, here we are still surviving, many trying to get out of it.
Oh cronosclocks I'm so sorry to hear about the situation in the country, I've heard that it was getting worse. There is no way you can go to another country? I know that would be a huge task but is it a possibility?
I have relatives outside. The problem is renewing the passport because the government is not renewing them but gives an "extension" but for example in Spain do not accept that to enter the country. In addition, the costs of paperwork went up a lot. I'm still trying, but it's difficult.
howdy today cronosclocks...yes I've heard that the costs of paperwork for the government is going up all the time and their requirements are a hassle, I guess they don't want people to leave. Well I hope that your relatives can help you out.