
Great game! But need to pay every month :(

It's FTP now, and you can pay with ingame currency for the sub. : ) thats what i do. I was runing five accounts all paid for with in game money : 3

"you can pay with ingame currency for the sub." = if you played a long time before!
I can't start play free

~~~ embed:Eve/comments/5o9ucz/diary_of_an_alpha_clone_multi_billionaire_in_43/ all toy need to do is try : 3 reddit metadata:fEV2ZXxodHRwczovL3d3dy5yZWRkaXQuY29tL3IvRXZlL2NvbW1lbnRzLzVvOXVjei9kaWFyeV9vZl9hbl9hbHBoYV9jbG9uZV9tdWx0aV9iaWxsaW9uYWlyZV9pbl80My8gYWxsIHRveSBuZWVkIHRvIGRvIGlzIHRyeSA6IDN8 ~~~

Not bad)
But it doesn't matter for a new player) You need to be familiar with game mechanics for it)
But future.... I'll start play :D