Really nice. I like intuitive art. Great write up and nice art!! What program did you use in the first one?
That would be a good tag. I'll reference you if i use it. Consider some type of water mark on your work. :)#intuitiveart
Really nice. I like intuitive art. Great write up and nice art!! What program did you use in the first one?
That would be a good tag. I'll reference you if i use it. Consider some type of water mark on your work. :)#intuitiveart
Thank you! It's hand-drawn, colored pencil and fineliners, and then edited in Photoshop.
I use intuitiveart everywhere else but here I thought it would be too narrow.
Have you had a bad experience here? 😅 I haven't felt the need to use watermark anywhere else before. I always find watermarks a bit distracting and taking away from the artwork. I'm fearless in this area. I see it in this way, nobody can really steal my heart and my soul, which my artworks are. They can try, but they wouldn't succeed. Somehow I know this.. hehe getting too deep over here 😄
Thank you for your lovely comment and tips 😊
I'm just telling you because of my involvement based off being in various art communities for YEARS. Why would you find it funny if I did have a bad experience here? I didn't but many people are getting their art stolen in the digital age
Oh I didn't mean it would be funny if you had bad experience. I used the "cold sweat" emoji meaning something like "oops, I hope the stealing is not going on here much". I use emojis a lot and if I'm laughing it's usually on what I'm saying, I did not mean to laugh at you :)
I understand. It's a good thing to use to be and feel safe. :)