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RE: Happiness and Dreams

in #art7 years ago

Isn't that the best though? I love philosophical conversations and breaking my mind to bits. Not many people are as deep, it seems. So much nonsense small talk, why not elevate to the deep shit right away? I've found some people are just happier avoiding the idea that anything they've ever known could be wrong... but mostly, people are just vanilla as can be.
That's so dope that you traveled through Sweden on your own, I seriously envy you. I've always figured if i was meant to walk to across the country, I'd need an adventure buddy, and no one was ever dedicated enough to tag along. Have you ever seen "Into the Wild" ? It's all about a man who burns up all his money and walks all the way to Alaska, living only off the land. In the end he carves "Happiness is only real when shared." into his bus and that line has stuck with me ever since. I imagine a lot of your adventure was terrifying, but nonetheless extremely prosperous for your soul. I'd love to do that one day, but the man I adore, and as cliche as it sounds, my soulmate (His voice literally rang like music in my ears when he said his name) wants to stay rooted, we've discussed it a few times and he'd rather drive and have the means to enjoy the entire experience. He actually laughs at my idea of walking he thinks it's insane. He doesn't understand the lessons waiting to be learned on that adventure, he just sees misery and hunger. So I'll probably settle; Wait until I have kid and are old enough to appreciate it and make it a historical learning experience instead. It'll always be my backup plan though. LOL God knows I run from everything eventually. (: The fact that you didn't have a single strip of depression the entire time you were touring the country says everything. Happiness is somewhere else. I'm always chasing happiness and it makes sense. A constant change in scenery is magic to the soul.
The fear of the unknown is terrifying to most people but we recognize that you'll never learn anything if you don't take any risks. I took all the wrong risks for a while and now I'm in a shell most of the time. LOL there is so much evil in the world and I trust too much. I hope one day I have the courage to do what you did, because if i don't, I know I'll be sitting in my rocking chair old as fuck and mad about it!