A Hundred Things Before Half Past Nine

in #art8 years ago

There is a song called "Gillian"  sung by my favourite Australian band, The Waifs. The start of the song goes

Oh Gillian, you're up with the sun
You've done a hundred things before half past nine
By the time most folk are up and gone
You'll be starting on one hundred and one
There's not enough hours in a day
To do all the things she's just got to do
When the daylight fades and the night invades
She's only just begun

I love this! 

Juggling work with being Mum means I do random things at odd hours. My days are full and interesting. I have been accused of never switching off my work brain. I don't see it that way. I don't have a work brain and a mum brain. Just a brain. It ticks over constantly, working on ideas, making things, learning and growing with my daughters. 

Today while my daughters took a nap (although I am pretty sure they were playing running races in the room cheering each other on) I seized the moment to make a bunch of beautiful colourful necklaces, ready for summer. 

These necklaces are part of my 'Rustic Forest' Collection. Made on a whim from beads that I collected, saved and reclaimed on various travel adventures. Some of these beads had been cast aside with slight imperfections. But I rarely throw anything out so they live  in a dresser draw in my shop. 

When I get a chance, I like to pull out this  drawer full of odd beads and make necklaces. I scoop the beads up in a  bowl and fall in love with each one. I embrace the beauty in their  flaws, the small marks from past lives, wood knots and glaze marks. Such pretty rustic beads full of stories. Strung together on waxed cotton, simple and soulful. 

Perfectly imperfect, just waiting to be loved once again. 

Today I mixed up the beads with a bunch of hand rolled wool felt balls I bought from a lady, made from pure New Zealand wool. Felted wool is traditionally reserved for winter but the balls are so light, bright with a rich playful texture. I am breaking the tradition because I think they are perfect for summer too. 

What fun, colourful, playful necklaces. 

Until next time, 

xx Isabella


"Taking a nap" :) That made me laugh.