Greetings @curamax ,
Appreciate your kind words regarding the artwork.
Thank you for dropping by. ^__^
Kind Regards, Bleujay
Greetings @curamax ,
Appreciate your kind words regarding the artwork.
Thank you for dropping by. ^__^
Kind Regards, Bleujay
Started reconnecting with an old hobby… digital artwork. So I do appreciate seeing beautiful artworks like yours. It keeps me motivated to keep learning as well. 😊
Wishing you well in your art experience with Digital artwork.
Bleujay did go that way... example my @bentleycapital account.
I would be delighted to hear of your journey....this is what I seemed for Bleujay the brain uses different 'Skill Sets'/Memory pathways to render the art digitally versus I had to make a decision between the two eventually...and I went with the material/physical art.
Even though I would enjoy picking it up again...I do remember the experience of not being able to do both.
Here's hoping you are able to do both. ^__^
Cheers, Bleujay
Thank you, I appreciate hearing your insights about it. I just recently started learning digital art. And you're right, it has a difference compared to physical art.
Hopefully, someday I will be able to do both.
Thank you for the gift. ^__^
Thank you!