Watercolour of Tulips in A Vase
......original watercolour, drawing and photography by @bleujay; presented by @bentleycapital.
'Watercolour of Tulips in a Vase'
Thank you Steemit readers.
For those interested in the details.........
The steps you see here are for the purpose of seeing the progression from a black and white photograph of the tulips to just a few lines and some watercolour on a piece of watercolour paper to a finished product.
Paintings look better once they are flattened and framed particularly with watercolour as the glass can bring back the freshness of the watercolour.
This style of painting is done a piece at a time....from the drawing to the painting.
The black and white photograph was used as a model for the drawing.
Thank you for your interest.
Kind Regards, bleujay.

Lovely art! As always actually ;D
How very kind of you to stop by.
Thank you for your kind words regarding the work.
Steemians are hoping you will return soon.....hope all is well.
Wishing you and yours all the best. ^__^
It's always beautiful to see your art
As you know, I use digital ability to create my photos.
I do not have the gift you have, but luckily I can make something digital.
It makes me feel like creating something.
Your art makes me happy when I see it.
Your colors make the art live.
Thank you for your kind and complimentary reply @xpilar.
Here is something to perhaps give thought to......
Whatever the medium, art is a personal expression that evokes appreciation from those who have capacity for it.
As you know, it takes desire, dedication and determination to have results.
It is a delight to hear the effect of the art, I could wish for no more.
All the best to you.
Thank you for your support.
Yes, artist, join our ICO here: www.owlstand.gallery
Remove the gif......
lovely work mon ami!
the first time I saw it I was wondering how many tones you mixed up to come up with such lovely result
no matter how many they are perfectly balanced
one of that is growing in my garden now
with a red tone so when I saw it close its petals yesterday around 8pm
I thought of this and you ...
Hiya....mon ami.
Appreciate you dropping by.
Keep the colour interesting.....never the same colour, lighter, darker, cooler, warmer per square inch is the guide.
Tulips are beautiful in the garden especially when the sun is casting its long shadows.
All the best to you.
A bientot. xox!
Beautiful. Love the use of warm and cool colors. Thank you for sharing with us. Blessings
Greetings @rockykelley.
Appreciate you stopping by.
Thank you for your artistic complimentary comment.
My pleasure.
All the best....God's best.
Your composition is excellent, and your style very personal.
Thank you for dropping by @kathleenscarboro.
Appreciate your kind words regarding the work.
Were you taught that a good composition can be turned in any direction and still work? Your lovely comment brought this axiom to mind. ^__^
All the best to you.
Actually, no one ever taught me anything about composition, but I have always paid a lot of attention to it. I like the quote. Best to you, Kathleen
I love it, inspiring and delicate, it causes me to run out to paint
Thank you for your kind reply @orianabocchi.
So happy to hear you enjoyed the post and will hopefully be painting soon. ^__^
Welcome to Steemit.
Beautiful artwork of tulips with watercolor! I like the way you presented us the artwork step by step.
The watercolor can make the tulips more vivid and refreshing indeed. Well done, as always!
Wishing you and yours all the best! ;)
Thank you for yor kind words @tangmo.
Appreciate hearing from you.
So happy to hear you enjoyed the post.
Thank you for your kind wishes. ^__^
All the best to you and yours.
It’s always my great pleasure! ;)
Wishing you and yours all the best! ;))
Hi @bentleycapital, I saw your post in @xpilar 's blog, even from distance I could recognise watercolor painting. I love the art with watercolor, and I am really impressed by those one who can created such colorful paintings. The great skill in my opinion in watercolor not to do too much they you spoil it and really to think about the color combination. Watercolors is still my weak side, although I gave it a go but I think this is something I really need to develop. Do you know that watercolor is the most difficult way of painting?
Greetings @stef1.
Appreciate hearing from you.
You are correct in that the watercolour can easily be overdone. 'Fresh' is the keyword when it comes to WC.
People do say WC is tre difficil however I think the same thing regarding oil painting. Perhaps it depends on one's training, as it seems the two approaches to application of the paint are completely opposite of each other.
All the best to you.
I think because I hear from many people that it is a difficult medium that is why I did not try much but you are right once you understand the tricks it might work out too. Thank you for sharing your opinion @bentleycapital and wish you a nice week.
So wonderful watercolor painting! It's a long time I don't use watercolors, but I remember they are more difficult than other media, so double congrats for the result, it's really an excellent work! ^_^
Thank you for your thought-full and kind reply @silviabeneforti.
Appreciate you stopping by for an appertif. ^__^
Very humourous of you to say that about WC, as I think the same about oil.
All the best to you.
This is very nice. pertpect
Thank you @alhidayat.
you are welcome
The tulips are wonderful. A nice watercoloer painting.
Beautiful.... Love the way you drop your colours and let them fade into the background; quite expressive and inspiring, well done.
Wow, step by step you patiently nailed it.That is a huge talent you got there @bentleycapital, i used to draw and i know it when i see a talented artist just like you.
A real painter 👍🏼
Thank u for sharing but i think it still hard to anyone to do it since the painting is a gift from god
Thank you rabihfarhat for your visit and kind words.
Yes....various talents come from God.....the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
What a beautiful job, I like the colors and their distribution ... seeing your work is inspiring me to paint in watercolor ... I have not done it for a long time, thanks
Wow. This is awesomr
Nice work! the shapes looks very good
Thank you for your lovely comment.
Nice post
Beautiful job, and great talent¡
Greetings @antonietartt.
Appreciate your kind reply.
Welcome to Steemit. ^__^
Good job, I enjoy your beautiful paintings and followed your blog, I am also a painter and I'll be glad if you see my posts, good luck👍
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Ooh, I was really surprised by your comment, I kindly praised your art but you...! I am a painter, traveler, photographer, and I am interested in all arts, I follow you and I'm very interested in finding other artists here and creating a friendly relationship with them, my first post is my last painting that I have finished six days ago, Did not you see it?! This:
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Thanks for sharing this photography is very nice amazing writing art post
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