in #art6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

Thank you for your following.
Richard Hersel



Orson Walsh, was, at language, most skilled.
Positions as interpreter, he readily filled.
He was often called by the Department of State,
When, a touchy customer, they had to berate.
It mattered not whether Swedish or Greek,
Orson would talk through a solution they’d seek.
And, as far as anyone could tell,
He fared more than passably well,
In Hebrew, Farsi, Urdu and Hindi,
Especially if the weather’s not windy.
He also interpreted, in the vernacular,
The American language, really spectacular.

He, indeed, mastered nuances colloquial,
For gossipers gossiping, in a manner parochial.
But, through the roof, his growing fame went,
When he was contracted to work for the President.
He was to sit in on a one on one,
With the North Korean Chairman Kim Jong Un,
There was such a great deal of energy spent,
On this totally unique historic event.
With just the four of them in the room,
The leaders did almost their best to forestall doom.
The meeting concluded without any notes.
The President was cagely counting the votes,
The Chairman was talking denuclearization
Wanting to get sanctions off his nation.
Some token concessions were apparently agreed to.
Perhaps more could be given, if there was a need to.
But no-one seemed to know except the interpreters and leaders.
And, of course, there were always rumour monger feeders.

So the matter remains up in the air,
Certainly no quick fix seems to be there,
But as the matter has been dragging on for many years,
No real solution is likely to quickly reach ears.



It seems like trump and Kim Jong were about to kiss each other hahahaha, they are lost in the other's eyes. Just kidding, nice poem!!

Thank you for your comment.

I love this one, its so funny. "In Hebrew, Farsi, Urdu, and Hindi, Especially if the weather's not windy." I also love the artwork, that alone made me laugh out loud.😁

Thanks for your very nice comment.

Great poem and the drawing is hilarious too.
The interpreter almost regurgitated when they held hands and gazed into each others eyes.

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