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RE: Art is You Being Free

in #art7 years ago

You know in a few more years, if not even now, there will be people that do not understand the reference, do they even show it on TV still during christmas? It has been years since I saw the movie, Miracle on 34th Street.


I haven't seen that movie for years, but you're right, the reference will be lost on most in no time...maybe even already :) So sad, because it is such a classic, a bit like It's a Wonder Life!

Those movies are both classics. But they were black and white, at least I do not recall Ted Turner destroying those two movies with colorization. They are still original.

Still good ol' black and white! We're aging ourselves here you know :)

Do you remember having to go to the TV to turn a knob to change channels? To turn it up or down? it was all knobs, VHF, or UHF channels, no cable, no push button remote controls.

haha I remember. 13 channels. We kids fought over who had to get up to change the channel :)