Hello my Lovelies !
Hope you had a great Sunday ! =))
Mine was cool, I first went at the top of the mountain at 20 mn from home and I enjoyed the sun and snow while Annecy was in the fog, and I probably will show you later in the week the photos I have made from the top ;-)
But for now I want to show you a lovely paintage (painting & collage ) I hope you will enjoy ^_^
J'espère que vous avez passé un merveilleux dimanche =))
Le mien était chouette, je suis d'abord allé au sommet de la montagne à 20 mn de chez moi et j'ai profité du soleil et de la neige alors qu'Annecy était dans le brouillard....
Je vous montrerai plus tard dans la semaine les photos que j'ai faites de là-haut ;-)
Mais pour l'instant je veux vous montrer un de mes "peintage" (peinture & collage) que j'espère vous apprécierez ^ _ ^

This painting is an old one realized a few years ago to which I decided to completely change the background which I did not like any more, and that I found dull in the light of my current desire of bright and joyous colors ... ;-)
So I applied gesso layers on the background and completely replaced it with a much more joyful bayadère of pinks and yellows speckled with blue
Ce tableau est un ancien réalisé il y a quelques années dont j'ai décidé de changer complètement le fond qui ne me plaisait plus, et que je trouvais terne au regard de mon envie actuelle de couleurs vives et joyeuses... ;-)
J'ai donc appliqué quelques couches de gesso sur l'arrière plan et l'ai complètement remplacé par un bayadère beaucoup plus joyeux de roses et jaunes moucheté de bleu
Here are now closer pictures and details of this new artwork
Voici donc à présent des plans plus rapprochés et des détails de ce nouveau tableau ^_^

Voilà mes amis ! I wish you a wonderful and sweet evening ! ^_^
If you have missed my previous paintings :
#LoveFriday Mother and baby - Maman et son bébé [ENG-FR]
CatCake painting, the making of - PART TWO - Peinture du chat au gapeau, 2ème partie du Tuto [ENG-FR]
DoodlySquirrel - the making of / Doodly l'Ecureuil - le tuto [ENG-FR]
Feel free to
for your DailyWonkieDose ^_^
And follow @luigi-the-gnome's funny adventures =))

Thank you my friend ^_^
Lovely work, I like the muted colours also!
Thank you very much ! ^_^
Bonjour Barbara,
Quel joli résultat ! Vraiment adorable.
Bon, maintenant j'attends tes photos de ta ballade ! Bonne semaine
Merci ma chère ^_^ Je te souhaite une merveilleuse semaine !
Love your ART @barbara-orenya Respect for you
Wooow... Your painting skills are amazing. Painting is the most magical of mediums. The transcendence is truly amazing to me every time I go to a museum and I see how somebody figured another way to rub colored dirt on a flat surface and make space where there is no space or make you think of a life experience. Thanks for this Gifted Girl paintings .. blessings to you
Thanks for you comment Papillon ^_^

Viola! You're so clever Barbara. Your painting is lovely and I like the sweet pose and expression of the girl in profile. This wouldn't be a self portrait by any chance would it??
Haha who is the clever one..? ^_^ Well at the time I had this gorgeous long orange hair, hmmm indeed we could have tell this was a sort of autoportrait ;-) Now my hair is cut and short but I feel always blessed and somehow showered with gifts =))

Your grateful heart shines bright in the way you express yourself through your art my friend. (I knew it was a self portrait!)
Your artwork is so whimsical!
Love her new bright and colorful look! I bet she appreciates you so much!!
She is lovely and her hair flows like a river! You're very talented!
Lovely art so much nice u are lucky one no doubt
Thank you ^_^
Oh, que c'est beau! J'aime tellement tes oeuvres, Barbara!
Une très bonne nouvelle semaine à toi et tes proches, ma chère amie!
Merci cher ami et à toi aussi !! ^_^
Sound slike you had a greta Sunday looking forward to seeing the photos from up there
Indeed, and Luigi beat me as he already made his own post on that Sunday ;-)
Fortunately, I have plenty of other views to show ^_^ https://steemit.com/whiteiswhite/@luigi-the-gnome/a-sunday-at-the-top-un-dimanche-au-sommet-vraiment-top-eng-fr
Just saw his post what spectacular views
We are vey lucky indeed to enjoy such views at a very short time and distance from home...
that is amazing and so close :)
Your talent always blows me away. I've always admired artists.
She is adorable, specially love those white spots on her hair @barbara-orenya :)
I love to make dots a lot ! =D
Thanks for you kind appreciation Dunja ^_^