El sitio donde acudí tiene diferentes expresiones artísticas 🌅; Feng shui, astros, artistas plásticos como Frida Kahlo, Hippie que por lo que se podía apreciar era un aura de paz y de tranquilidad 😇 reflejada en el arte o eso es lo que intenta la dueña del lugar 👵.
An affectionate greeting to the whole community of Hive!!!, this time I will show you the art of all kinds of objects in a place I could visit and I bring them to share ♻️. It can be seen that for different reasons people usually manage to create pieces or be inspired by certain places to capture their art in the place they want.
The place where I went has different artistic expressions 🌅; Feng shui, stars, plastic artists such as Frida Kahlo, Hippie that as far as I could appreciate was an aura of peace and tranquility 😇 reflected in the art or that is what the owner of the place tries 👵.

Como pueden darse cuenta, hay mensajes alusivos a la paz ☮️ y tranquilidad mental que debes conseguir contigo mismo 🙅🙆, es la meta a alcanzar. Además todo esto, combinado con la naturaleza le da un toque mas de paz a la que la encargada del diseño del sitio le dio al espacio. Se pueden observar cuadros, objetos tanto en muebles y paredes 🖼 e incluso las ventanas están decoradas con una temática muy colorida y llena de tranquilidad 💟🔰.
As you can notice, there are messages alluding to peace ☮️ and mental tranquility that you must achieve with yourself 🙅🙆, it is the goal to reach. Besides all this, combined with nature gives a touch more peace to the one that the person in charge of the design of the site gave to the space. You can see paintings, objects both in furniture and walls 🖼 and even the windows are decorated with a very colorful theme and full of tranquility 💟🔰.

Quiero decirles que esta zona esta diseñada para la estancia de personas en un sitio alejado de la ciudad 💨🌆, y es por ese motivo que la temática es la de paz ☮️, naturaleza ☘️ y de relajación 💟 😊.
I want to tell you that this area is designed for the stay of people in a place away from the city 💨🌆, and it is for that reason that the theme is that of peace ☮️, nature ☘️ and relaxation 💟 😊.

Qué bonito!! Me encantó el cuadro de Frida! Muy bello!