I have a couple more color pallete things that I hadn't gotten finished until a couple days ago.
I'm not actually involved in the project at all so it's none of my business but I think the cat lost and I'm still salty about it LMAOThe first one is this cute cat robot thing that @fabiyamada made for a mascott competition!
It's too cute it had NO RIGHT TO LOSE XDDD
LMAO, anyway, here's some fanart I made for it lol
I played with a fun warm color palette, and then picked a color palette out of the image from @fabiyamada's artwork, but with the same number of colors as the other palette haha
[You can view their original post about it here!]
I also drew one of my OCs (NOT in their troll form for once LOL), but my eyes were hurting me, so I drew it in green.
Yeah, did you know that green reduces eye strain?? Cool, right?!
Anyway, I really liked how it turned out, so I added a couple more colors (a little red, a little yellow). It wasn't originally going to be a color pallete thing, but. It just kinda turned out that way, and I think it looks cool :3c
the background is based on a house I stole from a village in minecraft, I've been playing it so I can force myself to stay awake cuz I've been changing my sleep schedule RLKJAKLFJDKLSJ
I don't honestly have all that much left to say, and I'm already late for bed (I've been changing my sleep schedule because of shenanigans), so I guess that's all for now lol. I'll talk to y'all later :D
Ooowww they are so cute!!! Thank you for your support, yep, the kittie didn't win :(
Thanks for telling me about the post :)
What shampoo does your OC use? Nice hair!! XD
I'm still just sHOOK they didn't win THEY'RE SO CUUUTE LRJAKLFJKLSJFD LMAO
And hey, no problem haha :D
PFFT, well idk what kind they use, but yeah! Love the hair XD
I guess they probably use the same kind I used when I was a teen, cuz that angsty teenage phase is what that character was based off of XDDD So like... Garnier Fructis, I guess LOL
haven't used that kind in a while tho lol cuz I'm lazy and cheap and just buy like a $1 bottle at the Dollar Tree hahahaxD the winner was better presented and showed more flexibility, maybe that's why robokitties lost u.u snif XD
But I will try to do something cool with them, just will remove utopian logo from it hehe :P