Hola espero que estén bien amigos de Steemit, hoy quiero compartirles mi nuevo dibujo, esta vez hice un león con solo lapicero negro y algo de azul para algunos detalles en el suelo como el pasto y no se vea la figura principal tan en el aire. Sin mas que agregar aquí les muestro mi dibujo y como fue su proceso.

Proceso del dibijo
resultado Final
Espero que este trabajo haya sido de tu agrado, si te gustó puedes apoyarme dejándome un voto y sígueme para que veas un poco mas de mis obras.
Gracias y éxitos para todos
Muy bueno dibujo, @artesviloriam! Muchas gracias por compartirlo con nosotros!
Congratulations on being featured by @celinavisaez in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest
Dibujas de una manera asombrosa e intrepida.
Te felicito por tener tanto talento y por compartirlo con todos aquí,la manera en la que dibujas demuestra tu pasión al hacerlo.
Espero sigas disfrutando de tu pasión y que te sientas cada día orgulloso de lo que puedes hacer.
Saludos @artesviloriam
hola muchas gracias por tus buenos deseos, me alegro que haya gente a la que le gusta lo que hago de verdad es satisfactorio. GRACIAS @asaye
Curation Contest:Week 56. Posts are selected because the entrant felt you are producing great content and deserve more attention (& rewards) on your post. As such your post has been upvoted and will be visited by other members of the PIFC Community.Your post was featured in an entry into @pifc's
We are always looking for new people to join our curation efforts. This is a great way to meet new people and become part of a community that focuses on helping one another.
Want to promote a post for free and have a chance to find some other great content? Check out this week's Pimp Your Post.
The Pay It Forward community also has a Discord Channel if you are interested in learning more about us.
Very nicely done. I liked the progression pictures.
You were featured in week 56 of @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest by @celinavisaez. @pifc is a Pay It Forward Community which believes in by helping others grow we build a stronger community. We run this contest each week, it is open to everyone. It's a great way to show off people you find that might need some more exposure and meet new people.
hello thank you very much for the opportunity, the truth is a good way to motivate every new user on the platform.