This picture is to me a work of art. It was sent to me by a magician I have never met and is a screenshot of them using the magickal software I wrote called ChaosHEX. It is a spell to end suffering.
I don't know whose suffering, their own, someone they love, or the world in general. In each of these cases the compassion expressed is beautiful. They have also set their terminal background to semi-transparent, and you can see an image from another magician I know illustrating the cybermorphic kaosphere system I wrote about in my book Kaos Hieroglyphica. This is quite relevant because the spell options in ChaosHEX are based on the same system.
So, you have been using computer programs for spell crafting and the such?
Excellent idea. I was thinking of launching a hyper sigil on steem, or FaceBook.
The internet seems like a logical place to harness energy from, or project into.
Yes. I've been programming since I was 8, so it came naturally to me to apply that skill to magick. :)