An exhibition by a dear friend, Shahaf Ben Shaya, a Jewish artist who does modern Jewish art, invited me to be impressed by his exhibition, what do you say? Part1 (original works by Shahaf Ben Shaya)

in #art7 years ago (edited)

Postmodern Jewish exhibition


One of my favorite things is art, especially since it concerns me.
I grew up in a group of Orthodox Jews for a long time. I am very attached to this world.
A good friend of mine who studied among completely atheist people (he himself is religious) invited me to be impressed by his exhibition on Judaism - I will add a few words to each picture from my angle and from the angle of the artist.
In this picture one can see the dissonance between Orthodox Judaism, which tries to be different from the rest of the external and modern world, from Western movies, fashionable clothes, articles by non-Orthodox Jews or anything connected to the outside world,
On the other hand, people stand with three-dimensional glasses, it emphasizes two main things,

  1. Their desire to be part of the world of cinema, to see new things
  2. Following the entrance of the media and smartphones to the ultra-Orthodox world, they see a third dimension that they have not seen yet, not all black or white(like what they wear), there is something else.

You can see their curious faces, you can say that they also intrigue us (me at least)
What their way of life, what they see every day.
Another thing that the artist tried to emphasize is that only the glasses are colorful, the life in Orthodox religious society is very black or white, or you are there or you are not, all of the same production line.

This reminds me of a drop (of course I do not compare!) To the girl with the red dress in the movie "Schindler's List"
That between all hell and bereavement there is some color.

pay attention!
No one takes off his hat in the middle he sees the movie!
The artist tries to emphasize the suspicion of anything new in the ultra-Orthodox world. It all starts out of awe of God, the hat they wear symbolizes the fear of God, and that everyone should look through the glasses of faith in God.
The conflict is that they look at the new world with other glasses.

_MG_0158-1 (1).jpg

We will talk about the following in the exhibition in the following sections

לוגו מאריאנארט.png


nice art work,Do you like realistic drawing?

Colagem sem título (1).jpg

I love it.......

강렬한 사진들과 의미 있는 설명이고 당신 글은 읽을 만한 가치가 있군요.

וואו, יהדות פוסטמודרנית - בדיוק הנישה שמעניית אותי הכי בעולם :) כל המדף שלי עמוס בספרים של הרב הכי פוסטמודרניסט שיש ליהדות להציע ( קוראים לו הרב שג"ר)
איזה כיף לראות פוסט כזה!
אתן עוד אינטרפרטציה משלי לתמונה - האנשים צופים בעולם החדש דרך משקפיים צבעוניות, שזה אכן יכול לבטא את התחושה שלהם שהעולם הזה צבעוני ומרתק, אבל ניתן גם להבין שהם מסתכלים עליו "מבחוץ" - כמו שאדם מסתכל בסקרנות על תרבות אחרת שמרתקת אותו אבל הוא לא שייך אליה, הם מסתכלים על העלום החיצוני כמעניין, אך ככזה שלא שייך להם - ככה חינכו אותם כל חייהם, על ידיכך שהם צובעים אותו בצבעי של עולם אחר, לא מוכר, שאיננו שייך אליהם - הם מייצרים שכבת הגנה שתמנע מהם להגרר אל העולם המדובר.

ממש ממש אהבתי, איפה הוא מציג?

Nice art exhibition. I hope to follow your discussions. Thanks

amazing photo! I really like!

That's a nice painting, i think your interpretation ryhmes with the artist's interpretation. I liked the description though. If shahaf ben shaya made more of these, we would be glad you share them. Still reading your description, trying to relate. I love interpreting paintings too.

Great thoughtful comment @tesaganewton. Am inspired..Keep it up!

I love art, it allows us to see beyond the abstract

Really fascinating this painting and very good your interpretation of it, a great artist and a great painting.

Impressive work of art, a lot of depth in this painting.

Great art!
I am also want to be an artist but its really difficult to learn from only by watching video.
can you post the pictures of drawing step by step

Art is pure love in all its presentations. I love that you talk about your religion and you express yourself in that way, we come to the world to do good and to give love to others. But always remembering that the greatest and pure love that we will get in our way is God's, greetings.

In the painting I see an awakening of the Orthodox to see the world in 3D. It is brilliant.

הדבר הראשון שעלה לי זה ביקורת על החברה החרדית כחיה במציאות מדומה. למרות שבעצם זה משקפי תלת מימד ולא מציאות מדומה. אבל אולי בגלל שזה משהו שהולכים איתו לקולנוע אז זה סוג של סרט, שהם צופים בעולם כמו סרט. הדמיה של תלת מימד, בלי להיות ממש בפנים.

או יותר נכון הם רואים את העולם סביבם כמציאות מדומה, או סרט בתלת מימד.

Nice exhibition and it's something new for me, I like it

How I wish my son would be like all great artists here in steemit.


Nice! Seeing through the glasses of faith to God!

Excelente post, Soy nueva en la comunidad espero contar son tu apoyo, Siempre estaré apoyándote gracias... Éxito

Excelente post, Soy nueva en la comunidad espero contar son tu apoyo, Siempre estaré apoyándote gracias... Éxito

Its a wonderful art piece. The ultra orthodox are gripped so much with the fear of god that there is a suspicion about everything, but the change is inevitable, one will have to start looking through different lenses

Art is creativity or inventiveness of the creator through it visualized artistic expressions, where symbols, techniques and materials are reflected. For me, art has a lot to do with culture and is part of the social, academic and spiritual development of our children and young people.

Very powerful idea behind this drawing.I am impressed.

Nice post i really enjoy it thanks for the post

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Don't understand much of art or music. But yes, lovely pictures. :)
(as a lay man)

Motivation of the birth of artwork basically depart from human need. The need is both physically and spiritually, in it contains values that can encourage the birth of works of art. In addition, personal experiences and social realities either consciously or unconsciously can be the idea of creation. All these motivations are the human desire to communicate with each other through artwork. So in the process of creating the work of artists must have a concept, so that the art can communicate with the audience.
follow and upvote me please
Motivasi lahirnya karya seni pada dasarnya berangkat dari kebutuhan manusia. Kebutuhan itu baik secara jasmani maupun rohani, di dalamnya mengandung nilai yang dapat mendorong lahirnya karya seni. Selain itu, pengalaman pribadi dan realitas sosial baik secara sadar maupun tidak sadar dapat menjadi ide penciptaan. Semua motivasi tersebut adalah keinginan manusia untuk berkomunikasi dengan sesamanya melalui karya seni. Maka dalam proses penciptaan karya seniman harus memiliki konsep, agar karya seni mampu berkomunikasi dengan penikmatnya.

really like your post

WoW, an extraordinary idea and wonderful drawing. I appreciate your art. I just came to your page and I am fortunate to have it. you are very successful!
I've got some original artwork. I wanted to get your idea.
If you have time ...

I feel, it's only the artist that has the power to put great of messages in a single piece. By artist I mean whoever is connected more to the right part of the brain, and who put so much to think of just in a song, a poem, a painting etc.

And few of them actually comes forward, trying create a better world, creates a proud moment for other artists including me :D

Great appreciation for great work.!!!

I can appreciate your comparison to the girl in the red dress. I was thinking the very same thing when I first saw the picture. What role do beards play in this piece?

Really its a wonderful art piece...... The ultra orthodox are gripped so much with the fear of god that there is a suspicion about everything, but the change is inevitable, one will have to start looking through different lenses......

Wow.It's really beautiful.
I draw pictures in Korea.
I need to follow your page and help you study drawing.
Thank you.