When the inspiration is absolutely a pipe and there are no sensible ideas - I look at the pictures. Any. I can look for the Internet, on FB, but today Ilook on Steemit on the tag photography.
look ! And, I hope, the author will not take offense at my interpretation of his photos)))Here and today so. I did not know what to draw and went to look in Steemit. And I came across the blog @evildeathcore. I do not know why I have not yet subscribed to this blog, here is
I take in hand a brush and watercolor "Nevskaya Palitra": ultramarine, blue, burnt sienna, violet, gray paint, indigo, scarlet. Paper Palazzo 280g / m2, 70% cotton.
I start with a pencil sketch. I thought of combining the two photos into one, dropping the details a little and inventing my own. If you want, you can easily find those photos that I took.
I start from the sky. The whole picture will be in gray tones, so the sky is no exception. Plus I decided to immediately cover the buildings and gray, trying to wipe the paint off the roofs. And I add at once stains-trees on the back planets. Some bushes in front of buildings and the silhouettes of cars. And I plan windows and ornaments, but not intrusively. And as if there is something there is in the distance.
Now the foreground. There is a girl, a dog ... bushes and drifts) Everything, as we used to see in the winter))) I think the comments are superfluous. Since with the figures I do not always get everything smoothly, and without them the plot would not be complete ... I had to add.
And the final. Pillars and wires. And the road to the houses is a bit brighter, or it turned out a field with poles. And it seems like there is a road in the photo.
Played watercolor, came up with a new story ... and went to create)) Follow my posts, so sometimes it's interesting =)
Thank you for watching!

If you want, I'll draw you? Write me: Telegram or Discord.

You do amazing work with your water colors, keep them coming. Well done!
Thank you!)) I continue to study))
Hello fellow Steemian .. I'm a newbie here. Please support me by following my blogs and I will follow yours as well . Hope we can be good friends.. Please check my introductory post. Thank you. Lovelots
Nice, I;ve never tried watercolor but I can see you've got a touch for it!
Thank you!
Алина, ну как так можно - нет вдохновения. Да столько вокруг интересного, только б время было! Хотите подкину картинок интересных?
Конечно, хочу!
Ну как как...есть белая полоса, есть черная...не всегда же по радуге ходить =)
А вы на Пинтерест регистрировались? там просто
Неа) Как-то сайт мимо меня прошел.
Там разный поиск можно вбивать и регистрация простая. Много очень классных акварельных работ, портретов даже
Там столько классных работ. Меня всегда вдохновляет, когда я смотрю. Аж душа рвётся рисовать. Но времени не всегда есть
awesome work
Thank you!
It's okay. Your English is good :) nice work!
not everyone thinks so)) but they understand, and this is the main thing))
Привет! А это просто какой-то вор, похоже? https://steemit.com/art/@new-yourk/in-search-of-inspiration-i-m-leafing-through-a-new-tab
О, спасибо) Надо наказать как-то. Не подскажешь, тут читах есть? или что делать в таких случаях?
Есть, но как её призывать, я даже не знаю... Ну там ещё у @olegst наворовали, написал ему, думаю что он знает что можно сделать.
Хорошо) Пойду разбираться))
Похоже, он тырит посты с голоса. Насколько знаю, на стимите нет паганель клуба)) а в моем посте осталась та часть, что была на голосе до перевода на стимит))))))
You are so talented. I love learning about your creative process. Thanks for sharing it.
Thank you!
Wow you are really talented looking at your art works. This is really amazing. I want to ask what is the requirement to draw me or any steemian thanks.
Thank you!) If you want to draw some kind of landscape - then it's enough to give a link to the photo. If I like it, I'll draw it. And if the portrait - then go to the Discord.