Good afternoon everyone,
Work in progress
Lately I've taken to sit and enjoy my time sketching rather than just mindlessly doodling. And since my last post I wanted to try something a bit more realistic. So I went looking online for help and advice for drawing this particular animal. Sadly however the YouTube video guide was not the greatest but the image on the site was fantastic.
They weren't they same image
The better image had more definition and was ultimately going to be more of a challenge as there was no assistance and I was going to have to just do my best. It's still, at best, halfway done. But I wanted to post my progress.
Once it's finished it'll have more colour. I may even just use this black outline to go over a separate back drop. Who knows yet.
Over 100 followers
I'd also like to say thank you to all of you out there who have taken it upon yourselves to bravely follow me. No small thing. Thank you for the words of encouragement, discussion and debate in only a few weeks. Its been a great experience so far.
Thank you all for your time, hope you all like the picture.
Much love.
Great! You caught the anatomy structure so good!:)
Thank you @inber. I've tried drawing Elephants in the past and failed. So I was pretty satisfied with the outcome of this picture, especially the left side of the image.
I am however very grateful for you taking the time to have a look and give some feedback. 😄
I'm studying at the creatures anatomy course at the moment, and damn it's hard:) So I totally understand you - that feeling when you fail over and over again, but then, all of a sudden - it's here:)