Your Wish Is My Command! (part II) [Chaos Magick 101! How to Cast a Sigil!]

in #art7 years ago

In yesterday's installment of Chaos Magick 101!, I briefly touched on what magick is. To paraphrase what I covered there, magick at its core is a way to consciously program your reality. I finished the post by covering how to do one of the more basic, though extremely efficient, spells - Sigils.

Sigils are focused conscious thought energy expressed in an abstract form (i.e. - art).

Many of you would recognize common sigils if you saw them, even though you had no prior knowledge of what sigils were.

After learning how to Create a Sigil, you will then need to cast your sigil.

Casting means to bring your spell into reality, to give it form in order to complete its assigned task.

The first thing that I always do when going to cast a spell is Create a Sacred Space. Burning sacred woods && incenses, or ringing a bell, are all great ways to accomplish this in a simple manner.

After clearing your space for your magickal workings, you want to bring yourself into a state of single-point consciousness.

Once you've entered into a trance state, bring the sigil you have just created into your minds eye. To help with this process, I draw a physical copy of the sigil on a white piece of paper using pen (pen cannot be easily erased, and things like that matter in creating/casting spells - aka sympathetic magick), holding it gently in both of my hands.


Shifting your single-point consciousness onto the sigil, hold the sigil in your mind's eye as vividly as possible for as long as as you are capable.

At this point, I tend to lay some groundwork for my sigil - typically only one rule that I bind it by:

Do no harm where Karma would not have it be.

(I stated earlier in today's Dabbing with a Mage I don't believe in Karma, but I use it as a term to reflect Cause & Effect)

Once you have focused your sigil and brought enough energy to send it off into the world. This part is always my favorite...Light that sucker on fire!

casting sigil.jpg

By burning your sigil you are releasing it into the universe in a nonphysical form to accomplish its assign goal. Remember, nothing is ever destroyed - all things are in a constant state of flux, change.

Allow the sigil to burn all the way, leaving none of the art left behind.

sigil ashes.jpg

What you do from here is completely up to you.

Many magi will bury the ashes, drown the ashes in a body of water, release them into the wind, and some even keep an ash offering dish upon their altars.

Depending on what I am casting, I normally will release the ashes into the wind to be carried across this plane and more efficiently effect my environment.

Many magi will say that you have to forget what your sigil means, or that you should only cast it once; however, I personally think that casting multiple times only serves to strengthen your work.

Practice makes perfect better.


PALPABLE POPE Ypyskypo Skwyrl, the Y'sas
Loser of Found Souls, Temple of Appled Thought
Erisian Ataxia Troupe

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Upvoted, Highly rEsteemed and followed my fellow Mage.
There is great Magic here on this platform. Welcome!


Greetings to you as well, my fellow mage! I appreciate your kind words.

Have you stopped by the #Esoteric-trail server?

We'd love to have you if not!

This is very interesting, even tho I don't completely understand xD
So is Sigils a way to focus and develop new ideas or even sloving problems?

A sigil can be programmed to accomplish anything within reason. Check out the previous article linked at the top. :)

Will do!

cool, gotta show ya my way soon

thank you for this process! really interesting! Do you also use planetary alignments to work with sigils? like new moons or full moons? I usually do as it brings so much power depending on the aim of your intention. thanks again for ur work! peace

Great tips, burning is my favorite part too!
I like what you said about multiple castings to strengthen your work instead of trying to forget about it.

Odin's Rune Poem came to mind while reading about how you use sigil's, very interesting. Chaos magic is something I'm looking forward to learning more about!