I thoroughly enjoyed writing this poem. I hope you enjoy as well!
Cupcakes grow on trees they say
in distant land so far away
this place where children dream of play,
Make a wish.
Tonight you dream of this and more
you see the path you're set to take,
in dream you dash right out your door
hearing mom's "For heaven's sake!"
Opening house gate so quiet
wishing not to start a riot,
you want no followers tonight
alone you wish to find delight.
Oh drat! You hear a sound behind
here runs the girl who lives next door
but, keeping everything in mind
a friend is who you'll most adore.
Even with the moon lit bright
your path is still quite dark tonight,
but now with her you will not fright,
Dream your dream.
Praying you do not soon wake
you're dashing through this journey fast,
there's speed in every step you take
your dream you pray will never pass.
You know not where you learned the way
possibly in dream's delay,
in finding sleep through shifting mind
a moment takes for dream to bind.
You stand before a mountain tall
your friend can only sulk and cry
she has no hope, no none at all
until you find your fate and fly!
She learns the trick without delay
the two of you fly all the way
your happiness is due in pay,
Take your time.
You glide atop thick sheets of cloud
soft speech is heard from up above,
its angel speak, though not so loud
you hear that God has sent his love.
Having not strong angel's wings
but, keeping with the rush of things
there is such beauty down below,
A shame it is to pass not slow.
At last you spy a standing tree,
the smell of pastries finds your nose
your friend meets ground so speedily
you land as well atop your toes.
At last your mouth can hardly wait
your tummy now is due its fate
still dreaming, you are not too late
Taste your dream.
I really enjoyed this! Amazing job
Thank you very much!