Artist Confessions #2 (Don’t Watch Me)

in #art7 years ago (edited)

In my previous post, I had discussed about how much of a strong obsession blue has become for me over the years, in terms of painting. I talked about sharing such similar experiences with you guys and as promised I am here with the part 2 in this series. Let's go, shall we?

Now I am all for discussing about art, artists, mediums, trend, et cetera et cetera.. But if there is one thing that makes me super uncomfortable, it is being watched while I paint. Mm-Mm.

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I swear to god the moment I notice someone making their way towards me with expecting eyes is when I start panicking. I suddenly forget basic functions like holding a pencil. I am like yeah.. so .. this is a brush, this here is paint…? “Please go away, please…” ? Somebody save mee!! I instantly get bombarded with thoughts. Oh my god, why are you watching? What are you watching? Are you judging me? What are you thinking? Oh my god, is he noticing how shaky my hand is… Gaawwwdd! The struggle is real.

You know what I mean, how you hate it when the examiner walks over to your table and starts validating your paper and you sit there acting all calm and collected but deep inside you feel a part of your soul dying? Yeah this is exactly like that. Now don't get me wrong, I am totally okay with someone seeing the final piece once I’m done but it’s super annoying when he/she starts passing comments while it’s still in the making. I suddenly feel like Gollum from Lord Of The Rings!


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And then you have no option but to deal with it. In situations like these I generally start to sharpen my pencils or wash my brushes like it would be the last time my brushes would get a bath. I start making awkward conversations with the spectator (generally my friends) until I successfully divert them from my artwork. Do you think that's mean? I mean I don't know, I remember having a similar chat about this with @ayushijain and it felt okay for once :D But I have been trying to improve myself also simultaneously even though it's one of the most difficult things for me. Let me know if any of you face this or if it's just me? And if you do, I would LOVE to hear about how you deal with it!

Keep Creating

Lots Of Love <3


It is always a bit uncomfortable to be watched while painting, but as a mural painter I got used to it. The problem was that people often wanted to chit-chat so I would yell down a thanks from my scaffolding when they expressed their appreciation.

My god, you must get loads of viewers! I bow you for your ability to deal with that 😁

And before murals, I painted theater sets for 14 years and often had to work while somebody else was hammering away at something or generally making a racket of one sort or another. So I learned to tune out surrounding noise. Now if people are giving you advice, it can be irritating. But I always figure it shows they have interest - better than indifference!

Damn.. No wonder you are habituated by all of this. Thanks for your advice though <3

...until I successfully divert them from my artwork. Do you think that's mean?

No way! It's your right to feel however you want about your work. However, being honest and upfront could have its benefits too. You could be straight up and say,

Look, friend's name, I am truly flattered you want to watch me work. And yet, I don't feel comfortable being in this circumstance. I feel a sense of pressure when people watch me paint. For now I would really appreciate it if you gave me some space while I get to a stopping point here.

That's one way you could handle yourself anyway. I'm sure you can think of more solutions! :D

Lol i thought you were gonna say, “No way that you could be so mean to people” 🤣
And oh you must believe me when I tell you that I have done exactly what you have said, BUT mentally..🙆🏻‍♀️ Because I have this part in my brain which makes me feel super guilty for performing stunts like this 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣

I am happy to hear from you though, thanks for the brutally honest suggestion :D

Because I have this part in my brain which makes me feel super guilty for performing stunts like this

That's part of yourself you're working on! ☺

Brutal honesty might hurt at first, but in the long run it's less painful because it can open doors and lead to expansion. Of course sometimes it can also slam a door shut if the recipient isn't accepting. But another door or window is bound to open after that slamming, right?

Thank you so much for replying, I appreciate it. Take care!

hehe, yah I agree on that. :)
Have a nice day!

Though I'm not an artist but in my own opinion, it's just your way. I also don't like being watched while I'm working because various thoughts flow through my mind mainly to distract. But, that could be managed. And I'd suggest focus. Having convinced that you're special and awesome in your mind would bring out the best in you outside regardless of who's watching. Once convinced in the mind, focusing on your work therfore makes the job done in your way and how you want it. Trust me, it's not as easy as it may sound, but it works! You're so special @aishwarya ♡♡♡

Hey @tobah, Thanks a lot for the suggestion and beautifully said. You are so kind!
Think I need to give this a shot. Might take sometime though haha :) Have a great day <3

And you too ♡

I feel the same way about writing or other projects, in that I don't like talking too much about it or showing it to anyone until it's ready. Not very pleasant when I tell someone "I'm writing a thing," and they immediately reply "Ooh, what's it about??"

I know right! It's such a pain sometimes when we don't get the required space.

I feel your pain, for me i find it super annoying when someone walks up to me when i'm drawing and just says something like "Hmm, the nose looks bent", so recently when anyone walks up and catches me on an unfinished work, i expect a negative comment, so I end up freaking out even before they say anything.
How i deal with it? Well i just close my book and make conversation until they're gone or just call it a day...[not really helpful...sorry :D ]

Oh my god! that's so true. I don't get many comments as such and it's the laser beam eyes on the artwork that I am most scared of haha.
You are lucky you can close the book, but how does one hide a wet paper :/ But anyway I am actually happy to see it happens with people in general :D

Haha...true, you cant hide wet paper, I hope you find your own way of dealing with it

Hahah yeah.

believe me, people like you, are the most artistic that have been known.
that feeling that they are seeing you and that they criticize you something that you have tried so hard to do ... it is HORRIBLE! and I understand you.
I think that, if it happened to you like me, in the end, you channel those feelings in finishing the art.

It's not about criticising the work you know. I appreciate criticism, both positive and negative. But I get a little bit annoyed when it is "in-process" and then I paralyse for the next few minutes hehe. But glad you could relate! Thanks a ton :)

Lol @aishwarya , I also feel like that when someone is watching me write! I just loose touch with my emotions and connect with fear...but I also understand that if we truly want to succeed through doing what we love, we have to learn to be able to ignore when the world looks and scrutinizes and keep doing what we do! Enjoy...stay talented

Good to know you love to write. May I know what is it that you write about?
I completely agree with what you said, think it's about letting go of that fear. :)

This is so damn trueee!
Can totally relate with it.. You know :P
Loving this new series of yours :)

Lol. Here comes my most expected answer :D Of course you DO relate hehe
Thanks a lot gurrrlll <3

haha...this one is everybody's story I guess, unless you are a street artist. But god !! exactly this happens when someone comes with the expecting eyes !
but I think next time I'll zoom it to there face and would say " you take a good stare first BC" :P

I know right! Have to be honest now lol. (but then thats rude...) 🤣 see? The brain just doesn’t allow.