If you live in Europe, you probably are familiar with this old retro
crime series , called : Derrick. I love it so much, i often end up
watching one or two part daily. I don't really watch it, it is more
like i have it in the background. However, sometimes i find a scene
in the movie , which i find really "cool" or just something about it,
so i want to recreate it on paper. This illustration is a perfect example.
I have a few more. Nobody recognizing them ever, but that's good,
it wasn't made for that. It is more like just for me to capture that
feeling i got from the movie while watching.
Do You know Derrick ?
What is your favorite retro movie ?
Have you made a drawing based on a scene from a movie ?
I would love to "hear" about it from you !
ps - i have Derrick on right now :-)
I like the way you get inspired! Sometimes it’s so difficult to find something interesting to draw!
:-) Yes, it can be lot's of fun !
I do like your drawings though ! :-)
I don't know Derrick... I googled the name and found this:
I assume it's the guy on the left? =) Because the other one is "Derek". .. (Which is a show I'd like to see sometime - I like Ricky Gervais).
Great piece =) Somehow it reminds me of something but can't quite put my finger on it...
Of course it is the one on the left. Derrick was never a "joker" ! (or an idiot ) :-D
thank You :-)
Haha this is so lovely!!! Bringing back so many memories :-D
I am glad ! :-)
Great drawing, This is really cute ..! =))in these days I made for a contest the drawing of the X-File series, the retro version I would like your opinion had to be done in 15 minutes
i checked it out, i like it, i gave it an upvote :-)
"Go get the car, Harry." A real classic from Germany ;-)
I've drawn often while watching TV, but it rarely had been related to the movie. I remember, I got inspired by watching a movie about Egon Schiele and a movie called "Breathless", though.
Telepathy does work, believe it or not, i was thinking about you this morning, and i decided to stop by at your page ! :-) and here you are !
I am glad you know Derrick and Harry :-D I love that series.. i have one part in the background now too :-)
Breathless i never heard of ... i guess i have to look it up!
Would be nice to see your inspired drawings too! :-)
Cool ;-) Breathless is a remake of a French New Wave movie by Jean-Luc Godard. I guess, I have to dig very deep in my sketchbooks to find those drawings. I'll let you know, if I can find them ;-)