} 1. Greetings from @ adnan-mp for my friend @xpilar
Themes: The development of the digital world of Steemit
} 2. It is true that your views convey through this image.
although I do not understand in detail, from the art of your drawing.
there I see
You want to say, that the digital letter we always press, to write, draw and dasain, it is very important this software to get a good posting.
} 3. From this software, we can create something, for example.
From the example I gave above,
because in the art image @ xpilar,
has given some pictures of the steemit logo.
You compile the steemit logo
conical-like pyramids are unique, with far-reaching growth
for users avaudiosemit, caring for each other, growth,
then we will, follow and need others so that the steam pyramid is perfect
so successful with the pyramid is perfect and satisfying
By @adnan-mp
Written one's self.
You have copied from most of @sultan-aceh who has written a comment from the picture and I do not accept it. If you do not redo or delete that comment you will be flagged @adnan-mp
Thank you for correcting it @adnan-mp
sorry do not intend to paste a @sultry beginner steemit like I do not understand, sorry I say again.
Thank you for correcting it @adnan-mp
Now I will give you upvote
thank you very much @xpilar hopefully be the experience @adnan-mp and thank you for the kindness of my special greetings
Forgive me @xpilar I have not mastered the world of steemit .. So if I am wrong please reprimand. . And with this incident became an experience for me to correct my mistakes. And thank you for your reprimand
Thank you for correcting it @rianhidayat
Now I will give you upvote
Thank you for your thoughts and description @adnan-mp