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RE: Soldiers of the army of יהוה Tse'vaot Mashiak Ruak Hakodesh.

in #ariseandshine7 years ago

The ancient Egyptians revered Ra as the god who created everything. Also known as the Sun God, Ra was a powerful deity and a central god of the Egyptian pantheon. The ancient Egyptians worshiped Ra more than any other god and pharaohs often connected themselves with Ra in their efforts to be seen as the earthly embodiment of the Sun God. Looks like this brother above ^ is following the old babylonian ways. Please stop posting about false god or lord rayel. I do not subscribe to that. I follow the Adonai יהוה . Read Acts 7:43 and do your own research, if you read more than the first 5 books of the Besorah? all the teachings of יהוה