The psychological torment Jared has undergone will not be understood by anyone that has not been subjected to it. That he has the ability to code and the determination to continue to resist the sadistic oppression only prove he possesses nominal character to withstand it, despite their close attention to breaking him.
I saw dWeb as an effective mechanism to preclude the ongoing censorship and incessant blaring propaganda we suffer across the West today, and only hope others have as well. If we cannot speak freely, without needing to communicate through centralized mechanisms, we will remain subjects, serfs, and slaves.
Steem is fine for what it is, but it is not a mechanism that enables us to reach the blockchain where our words can be preserved. dWeb, mesh networks, or similar mechanisms that enable our sole option at will to communicate to one another is the necessary foundation of free speech. The extant centralized ISP/domain mechanism is comparable to only being able to rent lips from overlords with which to speak. The technology to possess our own means of reaching one another with our words exists, and is not optional for free people.
Could I offer more than understanding, condolences, and agreement in spirit with Jared, I would, but what I have I deliver. Thanks for taking this struggle for freedom to the enemy Jared, and claiming loud and free the fact that we do not owe obedience to overlords. We are free and sovereign natural persons, not agreements or frauds. By virtue of our existence we create the rights inalienable from us, and as equals in rights we effect our agreements with one another at our sole option.
Hey, @valued-customer, thanks for your words in strong support of Jared.
FYI, when we post on Steemit, AFAIK, our words (not images, but words) are preserved on the Steemit blockchain for as long as that blockchain is maintained in existence. This archival nature of Steemit is a feature that I value very highly, and it should be recognized and acknowledged.
Thank you, Steemit, for providing this archive! :)

I am glad I have been availed the opportunity to address Jared's work and dedication against all obstacles. He has shown to be deserving to gratitude beyond what I can provide.
I agree that Steem is a leap forward against censorship. For folks that can't get online, it cannot provide storage of their words, and that is a problem we need to solve, which is why I was very excited to read of dWeb when I first learned of it many months ago. We need to own a route to each other's words, or be subject to censorship. ISPs, domains, and https are censorable.
Yes, dWeb is an exiting project indeed, as are Jared's other initiatives. Let's all pull for Jared to see these projects through to success...