First, let me say I tried to upload this to D-Tube but it would not upload and all D-Tube would tell me is "unknown error". How am I supposed to work with that? Frankly, I find D-Tube unsatisfactory as I often have problems trying to get it to even play a video. So, I am going to have to share the copy on YouTube instead.
This animation reveals the cyclicity of Arctic Ice and that no matter how much it melts in the summer, it always freezes in the winter. One of the most common comments to the video is that the Earth is breathing.
I hope you enjoy and share.
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Take a look at the ice up there today:

Looks kind of thin to me. I really did think there was more ice up there. Not looking good.
Without even pulling up an image from this day last year I can state categorically that there was no four-metre thick ice last year around this date. This is August and is near the peak melt season in September, come October it will start freezing again.
You cannot judge the state of the ice unless you compare it to the same day year over year. Take a look at 2017 on Aug 9 and 2016 and I think you will see that there is more ice this year than last.
I am curious as to where you got this image, I largely use Danish Meteorological Institute as my go to and do not recognize who produced it.