July 18, 22: Routine, Further Hive Doubts, Final Exams, Bit O’ Grading, TV, and Games

in #archon2 years ago


[Got PIMP meeting this morning and finals to grade all day, so trying to get an early enough start today to get stuff done in time.]

I will have to admit, my evil genius has been ignited and I’m getting dangerously close to convincing myself to turn Hive into a completely passive income…I mean, like I said, I like having some record of my existence, no matter how little it may ever interest anyone, but is the income really worth the time I put into this every day? Honestly, not really.

I could easily quit posting, build my projects on a different chain, and just upvote whales (so if they want to wipe my curation then they’ll have to downvote each other) and just sell off the curation and stake rewards…set it and forget it is looking more and more tempting every time I consider it…I suppose, for a start, I could stop 100% powering up, start dumping off over to Blurt or somewhere else until they start trying to wipe me.

I’m also considering buying back all the SOL tokens at sale price. I’m pretty tired of always being worried that at some point the DV vigilantes are going to stomp it out. So far, to be fair, they have left it alone (and I’m happy that I seem to be helping quite a few new, smaller accounts- a bunch from Brazil - selling one to 100k people is the worst-case scenario but helping them to get over the dust threshold by investing in the chain and sustainable energy seems like a good thing to me), but I have a feeling that’s only because it’s too small for them to care at this point…the more successful the Project becomes, the higher the likelihood they’ll destroy what I’m trying to build. Sure, them coming and wiping all my rewards would upset me deeply, but I’m more concerned about the effect of those downvotes on the smaller accounts (the people). 🤬

Fell asleep early last night, around seven, and was up early as well for another solid hour short on sleep. Starting to feel like a broken record with that; been a seriously long time since I was able to say I got a solid night…takes a toll on every aspect of my being and particularly on my ability to control my mood. 😢

Anyway, besides having my brain churning looking for ways to walk away from Hive while gaining (which I don’t really want to do), I was pleasantly surprised when I checked the crypto markets! MATIC popped big time!


There were greens pretty much across the board, but that shot really helped me to gain some back against ETH (at least temporarily). Now I’m only losing .6 ETH or so over there versus having done nothing at all. 😡 HIVE went up a couple of percent as well, but, truth be told, not that great of an investment relatively speaking (down sixty percent even from four years ago).

Somehow, though, the time got away from me and I not only had to cut my posting short (although I still managed a half-way decent one), but even then I was out the door seventeen minutes late. 😱

I went a little faster than I usually like to, and traffic was alright, so I did make it to class on time. Pretty boring day today, though. Just sitting there watching them do math for hours…although, I suppose it’s fair play considering they’ve had to watch me do math for the entire semester. 😛😂

Mostly spent the first class working on the key and figuring out the point distribution and, as always seems to be the case, there were a couple students that took the whole time. Tried to occupy myself with some Discord chat, but it was mostly ded in the Pizza server, so I was hardcore bored.

Went out and grabbed my sandwich quick for lunch after heading up to the testing center to pick up the one exam and then headed back in for the second go round. Once again, there were a couple students that took longer than they really should have, but I was actually out a bit early.

As I was walking out the door and turning off the lights, a student came flying in. I still feel bad (I understand that feeling of panic), but I didn’t even recognize the guy. Had he been a student that had attended (as least to the point that I recognized his face) and had he said that his dog died or he ran out of gas on the way or whatever, I probably would have stayed, but he came in saying he didn’t know the final was today (he thought it was on the twenty-seventh or something) and that this was the third time he’s taken the class and he really needed it to transfer to Lansing…I didn’t have much sympathy.

I mean, I don’t require attendance so that if a student feels they can do it on their own, they are free to (I had several grad classes that I didn’t attend a lot of times because I just covered the material on my own and saved all the hours of driving), but that means the minimum responsibility of staying on top of the due dates. If it was that important, that was the one day he needed to come to class.

I did use the time during that class somewhat more productively and was able to get both classes grades in Blackboard except for the Final, so the only thing that needs to be done is grade them, enter them, and report the course grades officially. 💪 I have forty-eight hours, but I like to get it done and off my shoulders as quickly as possible (so then my break starts that much sooner).

Once that’s all done, I have about a month off! 🥳 I’m scared to imagine how much work I’ll be able to accomplish in that time, though, since I always seem to have such high hopes and then disappoint myself. I guess the Into the Radius beta ending and my controller being fucked up will help to keep the VR temptation to a minimum. 🤞

Killed a little time playing country alphabet game in Pizza Discord, which was totally impromptu and was fun. 🥰😁

I got home with about an hour before Wenche got home from work, and while that’s usually the time that I’ll waste on the Oculus, I actually got started on the grading and already got the first (of eight) page done. I’m not setting the goal to work on the website at all today…just getting the grades done and then we’ll take it as it comes.

Wenche made us steaks and tater tots (and salad but I didn’t have any) for dinner and we watched some What We Do in the Shadows. Very British humor, but it’s been worth the watch so far. Wasn’t too long, though, before I couldn’t keep my my eyes open any more.

[Man! I am digging how much hating on Hive is boosting my word count…oh, wait, why do I care about that again? 😛 Oh, and a little extra “fuck you” to anyone who made it this far looking for something to find fault with.]

dShitty is shitty, we all know that; it’s not news.



Went in in the morning on Rising Star and reset my mission. Luckily, my Ego was still at zero, so I’m plodding on.


Not only did I have the computer fired up to work on grades, I was wicked bored, so that was a perfect opportunity to get HashKings taken care of. My seeds weren’t dead, so that was nice, and I got my plots replanted and watered. Now we wait another six+ days.




It’s been five days now since I last played Splinterlands; neither time nor desire. I did get a ping that I was late getting my brawl battles in, so I did take care of that, but otherwise just staked my SPS drop and left it.


I realized that I’d forgotten to use my credits from the last couple brawls, so I actually had enough for four Gladiator packs! Not only were they worthless, but useless as well since I’m always stuck in gold foil and never get to use any of them anyway.







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That late for the exam guy irks me. I have clients who miss their appointment, show up late and then think I'll still see them. Of course, this is at the expense of the next client who was on time and now has to wait? No way!

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The community has spoken. The smallest HBIT unit is the quark!

Hey DTD. Just checking in. I'm sorry if you've been having issues with downvotes. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

Hey,you should ask to be put in some regular frays on the next brawl. You probably will have a good shot since Jini-zzang just left.

Thanks for stopping by!

No, not had a problem, but a threat, which has brought some of these thoughts to the fore. It's not any kind of new situation, really, just something I've tended to push out of mind in the past to try and get on with getting on.

I didn't want to be ungrateful about being in brawls, so I just kind of grumble under my breath in my posts occasionally, but if there's an opening, maybe I'll ask. 👍


You must be killin' it out here!
@definethedollar just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @moeknows.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

I seriously like your way of thinking and we probably share quite a few views.



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@cobaltum(1/15) tipped @definethedollar (x1)
definethedollar tipped moeknows (x1)
solairitas tipped definethedollar (x2)
plicc8 tipped definethedollar (x1)

You can now send $PIZZA tips in Discord via tip.cc!


You must be killin' it out here!
@solairitas just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @definethedollar.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @definethedollar

remaining commands 2


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

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