Traditional House Of Aceh ( Rumoh Aceh )
Traditional House of Aceh or commonly called Rumoh Aceh is a traditional house of Aceh located in the province of Aceh or formerly called Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Its capital is in Banda Aceh. This province is one of the special areas due to the enactment of Islamic Shariah in the daily life of its people. It is located at the westernmost tip of Sumatra Island and the State of Indonesia. The province is only bordered by one mainland with the Province of North Sumatra in the south, while the rest is bordered by the sea, namely the Malacca Straits in the north and east and the Indian Ocean in the west.
Based on the height of the house and its function, Traditional houses of Aceh are grouped into 3 types of Rumoh Aceh, Rumoh Santeut and Rangkang. However, the community is only known rumoh aceh so that Rumoh Aceh characteristic of traditional houses of Aceh. Rumoh Aceh has the highest pillar compared to the other two houses, but has the same function as Rumoh Santeut which is a residence. While Rumoh Rangkang has the same height with Rumoh Santeut but has a function as a meeting hall or learning to study.
Aceh traditional house or " Rumoh Aceh " in Acehnese language is a traditional house of Aceh in the form of a stage house with a rectangular house plan and positioned from east to west so as not difficult to determine the direction of Qiblah while the front facing north-south. One characteristic of this rumoh Aceh is the pillars of a very high support house, which is about 2.5-3 meters.
Building area was at least 200 m2 with floor height up to the roof up to 8 m. Although it has a large size one of the greatness rumoh aceh this is the construction that uses only rope fibers, pegs and wedge with the main material wood, boards and leaves for the roof roof. But to this day this aceh house still stands erect after built more than 200 years. The following is a replica of aceh house in TMII.
The use of materials derived from nature is a manifestation of respect and utilization of aceh citizens to the abundant natural resources surrounding and the form of gratitude to Allah SWT. Because for the people of Aceh about building a house is not simple because its construction is like building a life so it needs a custom ceremony that must be met before starting the development process.
The ceremony is through three stages. The first stage is a traditional ceremony held at the time of building materials from the forest. The second stage is the traditional ceremony when it will begin the development process, where the date taken is decided by Teungku ( scholars ). While the last stage of the ceremony is completed after the house is completed or at the time the house will be occupied. The process of development is through a process of discution with the family, input from Teungku ( scholars ) and development is done by cooperation. This is what causes the creation of harmony in a social environment that goes straight with the customs. The rules of placement in aceh house acted as a symbol of obedience to the rules.
Front-facing house facing north-south was applied in addition to avoiding the direction of the wind that potentially demolish the building as well to facilitate sunlight penetrating the rooms. While the position of the building facing to the west-east depicts one of the application of religious aspects of society to his residence. Other applications include the division of odd rooms and stairs and the supply of water tents to rinse the feet before entering the house.
The division of the room in aceh's house consists of three main parts: Front or front porch (seuramoe keue) or (seuramoe reunyeun), living room (trough) and backroom (seramoe likoet). Each section has its own function and even has a division of areas for those who want to enter it, which is the area that can be entered by men and women and women's special areas only. This is done as a form of modesty to women.
Front Room ( Seuramoe Keue )
The front room ( Seuramoe Keue ) is a spacious room extending without barriers that serves as a living room. The living room is open to anyone both men and women. In addition to receiving guests, this space is also used as a children's prayer and rest area, family meeting area, dining area when there are wedding ceremonies or other traditional ceremonies. On the western area lay a large mat on the floor and a small rectangular, quilted walk mat as a guest seat. In this room there is also a ladder that connects the front room with the middle room. The number of stairs is usually an odd number of 7 or 9 steps.
Space Central ( Tungai )
The central room or tiling is an insulated space between the front and rear spaces and has a height of half a meter from both spaces. This space is divided into two opposite rooms namely the rumoh inong or mother house and house anjoeng. Rumoh inong is a bedroom used by the head of the family, while rumoh anjoeng is a bedroom used by girls. If you have more than one daughter, the head of the family will sleep in the back room as long as you can not build a new, separate room. The uniqueness of space inong that space can be used as a wedding venue at the wedding event other than that the floor is made of boards can be dismantled pairs to bathe the corpses of family members.
In the living room there is also a gang called vines. It is flanked by rumoh inong and rumoh anjoeng and serves as a space that connects the front and back room. However, this creepage access is limited especially when men want to pass. Access is only given to close family relatives. This is done because the creep is the access road to the back room is a special area of women.
Back Room ( Seuramoe Likot )
Space Back or Seuramoe likot is a room located at the back with the same floor height with the front room and also no bulkhead divider. This room is used as a gathering place for the residents of the house, the dining room, where the women are engaged in activities such as sewing and weaving and doubling as a kitchen. But there is also a separate kitchen behind seuramoe likot or called rumoh dapu with a slightly lower floor position. In addition, in general there is a loft that is built specifically as a storage of family valuables.
Apart from the three main rooms above, generally rumoh aceh equipped by Kroeng Pade or rice barn to store rice and also bale or hall which is used as a place to unwind for a moment. The building is separated from the main house and is usually placed around the house.
Kroeng Pade
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The aceh traditional house consists of flooring pillars, staircases, floors, walls, windows and roofs that are entirely constructed without the use of nails. The material used is rope made from fibers, pegs, rattan and bark of waru tree, board, enau, wood and bamboo.
The number of poles in aceh homes varies depending on how many rooms are in the house or from the size of the house. Usually aceh people build houses with the number of poles as much as 16, 18, 22 and 24. But some are able to build with the number of poles to reach 40 or even 80. The number of 16 poles usually for homes that have three rooms, while the number of poles 24 for the house has 5 rooms. The material used to make this pole is usually of wood material and its shape is round with a diameter of approximately 20-35 cm.
The supporting pole is placed in a row of four lines with the distance of each line as far as 2.5-4 m. There are two special pillars in this column, namely the "tameh raja" (king's pole) placed in the north and "tameh putrou" (pole princess) placed in the south.
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The existence of a pole causes the formation of empty space under the floor or under which is usually called yup moh. This empty space is useful as a deterrent to the entry of wild animals into the house and to avoid flooding in the past. By the inhabitants of the house this room is also used as a storage of daily work tools such as rice powder (Jeungki) and as a place to put rice (berandang). Because of the height of these columns sometimes " yupmoh " or down home is also used by the residents of the house as a play area for children, weaving activities of women, even as a temporary enclosure of pets and livestock.
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As a house on stage, it takes a ladder to reach the main house or commonly called reunyeun ( stairs ) . This staircase is odd ranging from 7 to 9 stairs. This amount is in accordance with the confidence of the people of Aceh will influence the amount of sustenance, meeting and also death. Another function of this ladder is also as a barrier for other than family or close relatives especially when there are no male inmates at home. so this ladder can be a watchdog in social relations between residents.
Door of Aceh House
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In contrast to the large and tall buildings, the main entrance of rumoh aceh or door of aceh house is very small. The height is only about 120-150 cm. This makes the person who wants to enter automatically bowed his head so as not to knock. The concept of this tiny door size illustrates that whoever wishes to enter, rich or poor, old or young should respect the owner of the house. Because the door is like the heart of the owner of the house, it is necessary to enter the effort but when it has entered it will be accepted with greatness of heart without the bulkhead like the breadth of the inside of the house. This is in accordance with the person of aceh people who uphold the custom, that is not like boasting.
Rinyeuen (staircase )
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Similar to "pinto aceh", the window of aceh house was small-tiny, with size 0.6x1 m. Usually the window is placed on the west wall and east of the rumoh inong and rumoh anjoeng and two windows are in the front of the house. This window is only found on rumoh aceh which has a wall made of board. There are also some walls made of wood enau.
Just like the wall, the main material of the floor on rumoh aceh is a board and sometimes uses wood enau. In addition, there are also bamboo used to make gas (battens), floor mats, beuleubah (place menyemat roof), and others. One of the uniqueness of the floor in rumoh aceh is the gap or gap between boards about 1cm. This gap is a place to waste dirt on the floor of the house when swept.
Ornaments at Aceh House
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So much of the uniqueness that is in aceh house, including with the roof of his house. The roof of a house in aceh house is not permanent or easy to be released because it is only connected using a palm fiber rope. This is done considering the basic material of the roof is leaf rumbia or leaves enau vulnerable to burn. To reduce the propagation of the flame the rope of the fibers can be cut and the roof can be removed.
The roof form at rumoh aceh is a roof with ridge or rabong one which is placed above the center space stretched from left to right and the roof is placed in the front and back of the house. the main ingredient of the roof is the leaf of rumbia or sometimes using the leaves of enau. This leaf is tied with a thin rattan split or commonly called mata pijeut . While the main ingredient of roof bone is the bamboo stem parts. Because the center of the roof-shaped rabong make the empty space at the top of the living room and under the roof used to be the attic as a storage place of goods.
Traditional houses are identical with typical carved motifs scattered throughout the house. Similarly, rumoh aceh. The shape of the carving is symmetrical, rhombus, cross-line and calligraphy on the tulak angen. Generally the engravings of the holy verses of the Qur'an, Flora in the form of all parts of flowers and others, fauna, and nature.
Rumoh Santeut
Rumoh santeut (flat) or tampong limong is a traditional aceh house which is usually used as a daily residence of aceh people with low income. The difference rumoh santeut with rumoh aceh lies at the height of the building and the floor of each part of the house has the same height, unlike rumoh aceh where the middle room higher than the front and rear room.
Rumoh santeut can also be referred to as a simple version of rumoh aceh. Household is only 1.5 m tall. Its constituent material is simple, cheap and widely utilize the natural products around. The roof is composed of leaf rumbia, the walls are the arrangement of midrib rumbia, while the floor is a split bamboo arranged not tightly to allow the entry of air from below so that the house does not feel hot. Simplicity rumoh santeut can also be seen from the absence of carvings on the walls and other parts of the house.
Rumoh Santeut has a room division as in rumoh aceh with additional bale in front of the house. the front as a living room or family gathering, living room for the bedroom, and the back room as a warehouse and kitchen. As for the limited space, the back room is also used as a bedroom and built additional space in addition to the back room for use as a kitchen.
Gazebo ( Rangkang )
Rangkang form a stage house that consists of only one room. Rangkang is usually used as a place to unwind for farmers while farming. The material used to make the shell is also very simple that is plain wood and leaves of palm leaves for the roof.