Architectural History Of Baiturrahman Great Mosque Banda Aceh

in #architecture7 years ago (edited)


On my second day of my trip to Banda Aceh City, I took my time to visit the Mesium Aceh, in Mesium Aceh is stored a lot of silent witnesses of aceh history in the past or the history of aceh in the era of aceh kingdom first, one of which is maked form architecture of Baiturrahman Grand Mosque since 1873 to architectural form in 1957.

The architecture of the Grand Mosque of Baiturrahman which we see at this time is very much different in form when compared to the former kingdom, during the time of the aceh kingdom the form of baiturrahman mosque architecture is still in the traditional form in terms of its building, as seen in the following picture.



This is a model of Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in the form of architecture in 1873, the model Mesji Raya Baiturraman which was established during the Sultan Iskandar Muda Kingdom and followed other traditional architectural patterns in Indonesia which is mixed with Islamic cultural ornaments so the mosque is very beautiful and interesting. However, during the reign of Nurul Alam's kingdom in 1675 to 1678. Some time after the burning of the mosque and then re-established the mosque with the same name even in the same location as well.
After the rebuilding of the mosque was burned again in 1873, the burning of the mosque returned as a result of the war between the Dutch and the royal army of Aceh.

Then on the second mock this is the architectural form of Baiturrahan Great Mosque which was founded in 1879.



Maket Masjid Raya Baiturrahman has a model with the size of 70 × 60 CM, is made according to the condition of the mosque in the year 1879, that degan only have one dome only. At first the mosque was built by the Dutch East Indies government based on the drawing design of De-Brun.

Third Mosque Maket Baiturrahman the third is the architectural form of the construction of Baiturrahman Mosque in the period of 1936.



In 1936 the Great Mosque of Baiturrahman was expanded by adding two more domes, the renovation and the addition of these two domes occurred thanks to the assistance of Governor A. PH. Van Aken.

And the fourth mesh of Baiturrahman Mosque is the architectural form of Baiturrahman Mosque built in 1957.


At this time the Great Mosque of Banda Aceh was renamed Baiturrahman Great Mosque by the government of Indonesia, then the government of Indonesia renovate the mosque by extending it again with the addition of two dome to become five dome which means as symbol of Pancasila in Aceh Serambi Mecca this earth.
Here is a picture of Baiturrahmanyang Grand Mosque architecture form visible from the front, rear and top sides of the mosque.

(Picture of the front yard of the mosque in 1957)

(The picture from the side corner of the mosque in 1957)

(Image from the back corner of the mosque in 1957)

Well, so my writing about the architectural history of the Great Mosque of Baiturrahman Banda Aceh, hopefully my writing can be a reference or important information that is very useful for you all.

Keep up with my next writing and I will tell you more about the history of Aceh in the past, hopefully this trip will get a lot of information that I can share for everyone.

Thank you for reading my writing...! 😉👌

By : @SudutPandang


Story of the Great Mosque...
Very good post, thank you for share

yes @taslem ., hopefully this story can be useful for the Muslims.

thank for you who have visited in my blog @taslem .

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