
Neighhhh, Pwwch , LOL! But we did eat well. I remember that Mom put up over 500 quarts of canned goods one year. She could really COOK! :)

and you all could really EAT! haha..500 quarts?? that sounds insane.

Six kids, and we were Poor. We canned everything we could, and I foraged for edibles when they were there.

wow smithlabs! you were already out there foraging for food when you were a kid?

Found some things I liked to eat, went and picked them. We were broke when I was growing up. But we did okay. :)

smithlabs you probably already told me this but what did your dad do for a living?

He ran a machine shop. Built their machinery, their tooling, and programmed their CNC machines. He could do anything. :)