Rigard, the Gatekeeper (Champion Concept)

in #archdruidcontest6 years ago (edited)

Rigard, the Gatekeeper


Every nation has its secrets. Demacia is no exception.

Long ago, before the time of Jarvan or his father, deep within the rocky caves of an unassuming mountain, a small gate appeared. A gate to a strange place, where reality did not function as it should: the Void. Creatures emerged from the gate, bringing ruin to all they could and all but impossible to bring down without a small army. It did not take long for the King to realize that the situation was unsustainable, and thus he commanded that the might of Demacia be shown to these creatures. An army the likes of which had never before been seen was mustered and brought to bear against the horrors of the gate and the realm to which it led.

They never returned.

In desperation, and realizing that the gate was not something that could be simply forced into submission, the King called upon the finest Demacia had to offer, even those who had long since retired, to serve one simple purpose: hold the line. Somehow, they did, and they drove the beasts back- if only for a moment. However, even in the midst of this newfound hope, it was realized that the gate had grown in size... and it was still growing.

Those brave defenders were called upon once more to train a new fighting force, an elite cadre of unparalleled warriors dedicated to holding what became known simply as The Gate. Great walls and fortifications made of Demacian stone and metal, thrice-proofed against all kinds of magic, were erected even as the defenders fought and died against the creatures that emerged.

Even in the present, many do not know that the role even exists, and there has never been any renown to be found in such a forgotten mountainside, yet those who face the gate are some the best trained and best equipped soldier that Demacia has to offer.

For years, casualties were more than 90%, the role effectively being one of heroic sacrifice. That all changed when an ignoble Lieutenant, newly trained and assigned solely because of his efforts in some forgotten battle, faced the gate. It was the largest incursion yet, and at the end of it all that remained was the Lieutenant, barely conscious, covered in blood, and surrounded by the bodies of man and incomprehensible beast alike. The moment he woke, it was clear that he was changed, somehow. Still, his first request was to be returned to his post.

Now, in the time of King Jarvan IV's reign, the Gatekeeper is an ancient, permanent fixture. None know how long he has truly kept to his post, but a select few know that the man is older than should be possible. It is said that he was touched by the Void, like so many have, but unlike the corrupted, broken souls that the Void has left behind in the past, he somehow did not bend or break. He stared into the abyss, and did not stop until it was the abyss that looked away.

Silent, focused, vigilant, he remains. He holds the line.


HP - 606 (+112)
Health Regeneration - 9 (+0.9)
MP - 260 (+40)
Mana Regeneration - 7.2 (+0.5)
Attack Damage - 60 (+2.5)
Attack Speed - 0.625 (+2.65%)
Armor - 40 (+4.24)
Magic Resistance - 33 (+1.6)
Range - 125
Movement Speed - 325

Stats at Level 18
HP - 2510
Health Regeneration - 24.3
MP - 940
Mana Regeneration - 15.7
Attack Damage - 102.5
Attack Speed - 0.944
Armor - 112
Magic Resistance - 60
Range - 125
Movement Speed - 325


Passive: Unbroken

Whenever Rigard would take damage that does 20%/10%/5% or more of his maximum health, that damage is reduced so that he only takes 20%/10%/5% of his health as damage.

Q: Gatekeeper’s Blade

Rigard thrusts his blade in front of him, dealing 80/100/120/140/160 (+5% Armor) (+5%) Magic Resist damage to every unit it comes into contact with and slowing them by 50% for 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5 seconds.

Mana Cost: 60 Cooldown: 12/10/8/6/4 seconds.

W: Gatekeeper’s Call

Rigard taunts all enemies within a small area (probably about 150 range) for 1/1/1.25/1.25/1.5 seconds. If at least one enemy is affected, his armor and magic resistance are doubled for 1/2/3/4/5 seconds.
Mana Cost: 100/90/80/70/60 Cooldown: 20/16/12/10/8

E: Gatekeeper’s Shield

Rigard rushes to a target enemy and bashes him with his shield, dealing 60/80/100/120/140 (+5% Armor) (+5% Magic Resist) damage and stunning them for 1/1/1.3/1.3/1.5 seconds. Any enemies that are behind his target in a medium sized cone take damage and are slowed by up to 50%, with both the slow amount and the damage taken being reduced depending on the distance they are from Rigard’s target.

Mana Cost: 100/95/90/85/80 Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10

Ultimate: Gatekeeper’s Vow

Rigard designates an area from one wall to an adjacent one as ‘The Gate’, causing a wall of Demacian metal proofed against magic to appear. Enemies and allies may not pass that area without killing Rigard, even with mobility abilities and summoner spells. The Gate grants vision like a minion and can be summoned anywhere on the map, but you must have vision of the area before summoning it. The Gate fades after 6/8/10 seconds, but Rigard is able to cancel the ability manually.

Passive: Every time Unbroken triggers, Rigard gains 1 armor and 1 magic resistance. This ability is retroactive.

Mana Cost: 150/125/100 Cooldown: 90/60/30 Seconds

Design Philosophy and Tactics

Rigard is a true tank by design, and he thrives in the thick of the fight. His damage isn’t anything to write home about, but his phenomenal durability and crowd control are his strengths. In combat, his Gatekeeper’s Shield is a strong tool for initiation, peeling, or gap closing, as well as being a good way to secure at least one target for Gatekeeper’s Call. His Gatekeeper’s Blade is a decent poking tool that can also be used to help clear waves of minions or manage a teamfight.

His Gatekeeper’s Vow is simple, but extremely versatile. Use it to cut off ganks or assassins, to deny an objective, to split a team, during a chase, and so on. However, keep in mind that the walls must be adjacent to each other- no cross-map shenanigans. In addition, the gate only prevents entry from one direction, and doesn’t prevent enemies from getting over other terrain. Use it wisely, and it is a powerful tool.

Builds involving hefty amounts of cooldown reduction and defensive stats will help Rigard succeed. Alternatively, he can also do well with more of a utility-based loadout thanks to the natural defenses afforded by both his Passive and the passive effect of his Ultimate.

As a side note, while Rigard is extremely hard to kill, he has no real way of sustaining himself. He can and will be brought down eventually, so make sure that you keep your team alive and by your side. Remember: You don’t win fights. You hold the line.

Voice Lines

Upon Selection
"They shall not pass."

At Game Start
"We will hold. We always do."
"I see we have another place to defend."
"This place is shoddily fortified."

Upon Respawning
"Quickly! There's a line to be held."
"I return to my post."
"I've fought through worse."

Upon Death
"No! We must... hold..."
"I can't... not here..."
"The Gate... Who will...?"

Taunts (Generic)
"You wouldn't last a minute by The Gate."
"Is this a training exercise?"
"Where is the next wave?"
"Are you all that I have to fight?"
"These towers more resemble toll booths than defenses."

Taunts (Enemy Garen)
"Your equipment is well-kept, but your skill is... lacking."
"No self respecting warrior would carry that around."

Taunts (Friendly Garen)
"I would be proud to hold The Gate by your side."
"Your uncle was a good man, though I did not know him well."

Taunts (Enemy Lux)
"Your spells wouldn't leave a scratch on my armor."
"You may bend light, but I banish the dark."

Taunts (Friendly Lux)
"Your light would be of use holding The Gate."
"You show promise... but keep your magic in check.

Taunts (Enemy Jarvan)
"I will hold the line, even if it is against my King."
"Must we leave the kingdom without a King?"

Taunts (Friendly Jarvan)
"Come to assess the defenses again?"
"I see that we fight together this day. I am honored."

Taunts (Enemy Demacians)
"I see I must hold even against my kinsmen... So be it!"
"The line will be held, no matter who assaults it."

Taunts (Friendly Demacians)
"We will keep the foe at bay!"
"Come, kinsman! We will not fall!"
"I wouldn't mind you joining me by The Gate."
"Your valor is admirable!"

Taunts (Void Champions)
"(Shakily) The Gate. Hold the line. Hold the Gate. The Gate. Hold the line. Hold the Gate."
"(Shouting) None of your kind has made it past me, and none ever will!"
"(Shouting) Back to the Void with you! I will make it so!"
"You're even uglier than the usual beast! Have at thee!"

Taunt (Malphite)
"I wonder if we could build some fortifications on you..."

Taunt (Kassadin)
"You... you fight them too. You have my respect."
"You and I share a common foe. Let us see if your skill matches the strength of your will."

Taunt (Kai'Sa)
"You would willingly bond with such a creature? You disgust me."
"You are an abomination, a creature which should not be like all of your kin!"
"You may think yourself human, but you are not worthy of such a claim."

Taunt (Malzahar)
"You did not fight when the Void touched you. You disappoint me."
"Your soul bears the scars of the void. It would be a mercy to end you as you are."
"The Void does not bring sight, but shrouds all in Darkness."
"It seems you are too far gone to redeem yourself. Very well. My blade will be your redemption."

Taunt Response
"Such confidence! I wonder if it will remain when your assault fails."
"Arrogance will only make you easier to defeat."
"Did you expect to get a rise out of me? I've a bit too much dignity for that."

Kill (Any)
"You tried to cross the line. You failed."
"The defenses yet stand!"
"You never had a chance!"
"We hold. You die."

Kill (Void)
"Begone from this realm!"
"I have made mincemeat of far greater foes!"
"Your kind will never succeed!"
"Incoherent angry screaming"

"They'll be back. They always are."
"(Shouting) You! Shall not! Pass!"

"It seems you can make walls out of bodies. Who knew?"
"Oh joy. More corpses on the battlements."
"This is much easier than manning the defenses back home."

Placing a Ward
"Information is key."
"Knowing is half the battle."
"Reveal the battlefield, reveal the foe."

Enemy Flashes Mastery:
"Your heraldry will not protect you from my blade."
"Flashiness only makes you more of a target."

Joke Response
"If you can joke, you can man the battlements."
"Is that what passes for humor these days?"
"Our defenses will not be breached by jokes. Especially when they aren't funny."
"I've killed Void-spawned beasts with a better sense of humor."


I once was a man.

Now… I’m not so sure.

Time flows, but it leaves me behind. The body that I move, the power I bring to bear… is it mine? I banish these thoughts. There is only The Gate. Hold The Gate. Hold the line. That is my duty, my purpose. That is what keeps them at bay- The creatures? Or perhaps their voices, their mind-bending tones? So tempting, so alluring—

The Gate. Hold the Gate. Hold the line. The Gate. Hold the Gate. Hold the line. The Gate. Hold the Gate. Hold the line.


Your post was upvoted by the @archdruid gaming curation team in partnership with @curie to support spreading the rewards to great content. Join the Archdruid Gaming Community at https://discord.gg/nAUkxws. Good Game, Well Played!

Wow that champ is amazing, tanks are the best but holy shit that ult and W...

Nerf that shit

The ult is basically a targeted Taliyah ult with less mobility. Plus, you can't flash over the gate, but you can flash over any other terrain, so it's not remotely inescapable. It also does no damage (unlike most other global ults) and has a smaller effective area than an ult like Taliyah's or Gangplank's. It also can't be cast into areas without vision, meaning that if the enemy breaks LoS with your team you can't really do anything either way.

The W got some changes. It's now just beyond melee range (smaller than even a no-charge Galio taunt), meaning that unless the enemy is being super dumb you'll only catch 1-2 dudes at most. You've also got to basically be in the middle of the enemy team to do it. The duration's pretty long, but nowhere near as long as Rammus's, and he doesn't get resistances before he casts it or straight up damage reduction (see Galio, who also does way more damage). Honestly, it could be argued that an Alistar W-Q is just as effective, since it's a stun instead of a taunt.

Glad you enjoyed the submission, though, and thanks for the feedback!

Very well thought out. I could easily see a character like that becoming my tank main if for no other reason than his story.

Glad you enjoyed it! I figured it'd be nice to have a serious character with a grimmer backstory that isn't just edgy. Hopefully I managed to convey it through the narrative and the side story at the end, but Rigard is a fundamentally broken man, who only managed to get through "unscathed" by the touch of the Void by effectively boiling his entire life down into a single concept. Needless to say, that concept was holding the line. After all, it's a lot easier to maintain and remember one really important thing than to maintain and remember ones entire history and sense of self.

You pulled it off. The broken hero stories are my thing. I love the idea of adding some weakness to his voice track makes him come alive more than most of the usual drivel.