There will come a day when humanity will no longer believe, but will be.
-Ernest Renan.
Modern archaeology rather credible, strives to combine the ancient remains of our history.
But the story that is told is made so leave the limelight to the man of today, abandoning the idea that it could exist previous technological advances in our era.
Yet there are anomalies which can not fit with modern archaeology contradicting the theory of evolution we have been taught. This is particularly the case for Puma Punku, an archaeological site located Tiwanaku in Bolivia, which poses a serious problem to historians. Situated at 3800 meters altitude, it is a large complex whose it's structures are formed with prefabricated elements forming a puzzle.
Each stone piece is different and all interlock in each other to form floor, walls and ceilings. For well preserved parts, the accuracy is such that you can not stall a credit card and in some case even not a needle between two blocks.
According to the latest experts, it would be a temple built like a clock giant comprising a complex irrigation system. But There are 4 mysteries that leave puzzled researchers:
The design of the blocks required knowledge of mathematics, geometry planning and too advanced for the time. Each block weighs tens tons and is composed by a kind of granite containing diorite and could not provide from the region around. This is an extremely hard stone, which you have to high-performance tools to cut it, especially to reach this degree of precision.
For such results today, we must resort to ultra-modern technology, such laser cutting technology. But recent investigations and spectrographic analysis have revealed that these blocks have been created by an hot-pressed technique. What the fuck ?
We have already struggling to carve a stone so hard ? We do not even know this technique and even less this architectural style/arrangement !
The latest measures engineers and modern archaeologists believe that this structure in particular prefabricated stone element have been created around 15.000 BCE.
According to the official archaeology, at this time of the Stone Age man had not even the capacity to invent the wheel and was supposed to be living in caves. So how cloud have they have built such a complex buildings like this in prehistoric times?
We must face the facts, there is something something missing or wrong in the official history.
Bonus: The Incas claimed to be perfectly certain that three civilizations have been destroyed by natural or artificial major disasters on earth before ours.
According to them we would have been the fourth world to take shape on this planet.
Maybe It might be a Pumapunku explanation.
What do you think ?
To know more:
Google images / Google maps / Original french text author is "Mouton lucide", link to his video.
Very interesting, thanks for the post :D
Interesting mystery. I hope a solution to this puzzle will be found one day, although this seems very unlikely IMO.
I hope too, maybe the time will tell us...