I had the pleasure of Interviewing Michael Cremo, researcher and author of "Forbidden Archaeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race". Cremo is a long time proponent of a new timeline of humanity based on archaeological discoveries that have been ignored by the scientific establishment. We also discuss "the knowledge filtration problem", and what his discoveries mean for humanity.
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I am an investigative journalist and liberty activist; a Lead Investigative Reporter for ActivistPost.com and the founder of the TheConsciousResistance.com & The Houston Free Thinkers. I have also co-authored three books with @johnvibes: The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 1 and Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, Vol. 2
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I knew him personally when I was going through a phase of living in a ashram as monk in LA.
was he cool? he seems like a badass dude, he was talking about eating acid at dead shows at the conference last year lol
Yes, a really good person. He seem to always be busy but I seen him practically every morning during Japa meditation time.
"The Conscious Resistance" is a psy-op, be warned.
These are not anarchists, they use facebook tracking on their site and their organization is not organized anything at all like actual anarchists,
And dbroze is a condescending dick who doesn't even manage his own personal accounts.
Get the fuck off steemit you scum cops or privatesec or israeli bullshit, or whatever you are.
But you have had your chance to send your minions against me and I shredded them all.
Anyone who wants to see a real post about what is going on, check this out, it makes everything 'derrick' has done in his entire life look like the kindergarten bullshit it is:
Leave, I'm not going to stop. If you could have answered my questions, you would have, so cut it out with all these cheap shallow half-assed reposted from years ago interview looking to bank coin for whatever shadow bullshit you represent.
again, GTFO with this crap.
People archive their videos on the blockchain also.
what the hell are you talking about
@mindhawk You're really not very nice. Also, you're very wrong. I only met Derrick (@dbroze) last year and he and Miriam are friends on Hatebook, Instaspam, all those usual suspects. They both have always gone out of their way to engage those who interact with his posts or even happen to mention them anywhere. (In the nicest way possible, I may add, not the usual "debate debate, talk in circles, time to call you nasty names" way that I've watched the majority of this country disintegrate into at this point).
I've been a long time activist and there are a lot of folks out there who have ridiculous cult followings (How, I know not. As they are some the biggest douchebags and hypocrites I've had the displeasure of stumbling across in my life....then their crazy fanaticbase.) Just to throw a couple out there, Stephan Molyneux (definitely the worst), Tom Woods (even though I did buy and read all of their boooks), and of course there's the Celebritarians like Adam Kokesh, and the likes. Shudder
JS. I know it hurts to not be happy with yourself and unable to face reality and truths but just like me, I doubt your words will have even the slightest impact on him, as he doesn't react to people like you, but rather seems to study them and even tries to help by showing them how to help themselves.
nice day old account, your words mean nothing here. like, you got a steemit account just to say this?
is this a joke?
read my work, i have had experiences with deep undercover agents who do all of the things you mention dbroze doing, who lead entire kitchens at campouts, who claim to run entire relief agencies, who will travel with you and party with you some and maybe date you, until you realize the extent of the global intelligence files, plus the recent changes to law in the united states allowing private security to have access to the fbi files via the fusion centers, you are uninformed and should simply sit out this matter.
also, if you think what dbroze is teaching is anarchy, then you are pretty lost on the subject and i would recommend reading some kraputkin or days of war nights of love, otherwise, please leave me alone.
This post explains my concerns in detail, also including the bizarre accounts including yours that have popped up to defend him like he is some kind of hero.
bye and i mean it
@mindhawk Aww, you poor thing. It takes at least seven days to get an account. This was posted what four days ago? lol. Sorry if I offended with my truths and opinions. You can say what you want but I won't stoop there. Have a nice evening.
Another "out of the box" archeologist is Brian Forrester. You can bet that the mainstream in any field of study is bunk.