MoonKarts Brought Me Back to the Old Days - Crazy Kart

in #arcadecolony2 months ago


When I first played the game, I thought I was brought back the classic version of a Kart racing game (Online) that was loved by many. Millions of users around the world has gathered to race with one another - ++ that time there were no monetary rewards needed - just pure fun. It was about the era of 2006-2013 where online games was a thing for many. It was also the time where I really got hooked into games, one of them is Crazy Kart.

Moonkarts brought me back to the days where it's fun to play with friends and fellow players. Plus the fact that everything in the Kart to race is an NFT, this makes it modern and an opportunity for all players to earn while battling for supremacy.


Were you also able to play Crazy Kart? I personally think this resembles the game so much. While we are all having fun with fellow players, the leaderboard rewards and Colony earnings per game makes it more exciting.

I look forward for the future of this game. Once we enter the bull market and the game doesn't show us any negative experience anymore (lags and bugs).

Each game gives us an opportunity to learn, grow, and earn rewards. I look forward to play with everyone. Join now and be part of the community.