Great October War and the defeat of the Israeli occupation

in #arab7 years ago

The fourth war, which Egypt and Syria carried out against the Israeli forces that had taken over the Egyptian Sinai and the Syrian Golan Heights. During this war, many Arab countries provided military, financial and economic support to the Arab armies. Of May 1974, and the great importance of this war to destroy the myth that the Israeli forces made it an army can not be defeated or defeated, but the joint Arab forces have shown the strength and ability to achieve many of the military and strategic objectives, and This war is also known as the 10th of Ramadan War, since it began on 10 Ramadan 1973.

The main objective of this war is to regain the pride and dignity of some Arab countries, particularly Egypt and Syria, following the capture of parts of Sinai and the Golan Heights by the Israeli forces. Therefore, when Egyptian forces faced defeat in the 1967 war, Many of the titles, including the setback of 1976 and the Six-Day War and others, the Egyptian forces launched this war, which resulted in the defeat of the Israeli forces a crushing defeat.

The Egyptian army planned to carry out this war on Saturday, October 1973, as this day coincides with
the day of Atonement in the Jewish religion. The Egyptian forces began to cross the Barlev line, which is one of the most important fortresses of the occupation forces. Of the military and air strikes in the heart of the forces, and the Syrian forces were also able to strike similar forces from the Golan Heights, and following these strikes were destroyed Barlev line in record time, and succeeded both the Egyptian and Syrian forces to achieve victory over the Israeli forces, The Suez Canal and the Golan Heights.

The war ended with US President Kissinger presenting a cease-fire plan on October 16, 1973. The Security Council held an emergency meeting on October 21 and issued a formal resolution the next morning, which stipulates a cease-fire between all Egypt and Israel have agreed to this resolution, but Israel has not complied with this resolution or respected it, because it still has a strategic ambition, especially as it was not able to force the Egyptian forces to withdraw from the west of the Suez Canal,

It launched an attack on the city of Suez and met with the inhabitants of violent confrontations and very severe battle circuits between them, called the battle of Suez, this battle, which ended the Israeli forces suffered heavy losses, which prompted them to respond to the pressures of the Soviet declaration of a second cease-fire and the implementation of the Security Council resolution Which he had already issued.

The war of October 6, 1973 achieved many positive results, which can be mentioned as follows:

_ Restoration of the sovereignty of the Egyptian state on the Suez Canal and the return of the navigational movement there in 1975.
_The siege of the political influence of the Israeli state, and the imposition of isolation in the relations it brings together with foreign countries, especially African countries.
_A myth that the Israeli army can not be defeated or defeated, and the fall of the Barlev defensive line established by the occupation forces, along the Suez Canal from the east.
_This war paved the way for the Camp David agreement, which was held between Egypt and Israel.

Losses of the October War for the two Parties 1973

he October war did not only have a significant impact on Egypt and Israel. The outbreak of the war affected both the Arab armies after our armed forces crossed the Barlev line on the day of Atonement. The Syrian army stormed the Golan Heights at the same moment. Unparalleled It should be noted that the number of Israeli dead and dead has exceeded two thousand and six hundred and fifty-six dead, while the Arab army has killed only about fifteen thousand martyrs.

The most important outcome of the October war is gains for the Arab Republic of Egypt, namely, the restoration of Egyptian sovereignty over the Suez Canal and the return of Egyptian navigation once again, and Egypt was able to impose political isolation on the State of Israel with the Arab countries and Africa.
source _تعبير-عن-حرب-أكتوبر/


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