I am happy to have found Steemit and excited to meet some new friends here. I want to share my dream of the future with you. For the last 7 years I have been building an organic garden. I have hauled over 200 truckloads of compost to construct raised beds for the over 1,000 varieties of food plants that I have. This year my garden is about 20,000 square feet. I am attempting to focus on the most profitable plants but I balance it out with diversity too. I hope to get into all sorts of food production. Fruit trees, berry bushes, herbs, vegetables, 400 varieties of peppers, melons, pumpkins, maple syrup, honey, farm animals and mushrooms. This fall I will be planting my first wild-simulated ginseng. I am also hardcore into prepping and survival. I love to experiment with lesser known gardening methods such as permaculture, back to eden style and sonic bloom. I will be posting the results of my experiments here as they progress. I just discovered this platform a couple days ago and am looking forward to bringing you all fresh new content of cyberpunk, prepping and gardening. Thank you for your time and please comment with any questions you have for me.
Here is the large plot of 160x80 feet that I have finally finished this year. About 100 truck loads of compost shoveled by hand and tilled in with the clay to increase oxygen levels. From now on I'll do nothing but add chopped woodchips and foliage on top for mulch. Do not till woodchips into the soil or they will rob it of nitrogen.
Excellent @noganoo. I garden as well. Im looking forward to reading your organic gardening blogs. Great to have you here.
Just a hunch, but I believe that people are going to not only continue to move to organics, but also look more into organics. I'm just thinking ahead, I hope you can appreciate this; it takes time to adjust ones processes. I'm also concerned about man-made pollutants in the food and water. There is science to back this up, this is why I believe I will not be alone and it is good to anticipate this in the consumer.
That said, It would be awesome to see you share your experience and pictures. The more gardening experience we have the better off we all will be.
I concur with the belief that "Organics" are "original" with the acceptance of 'science-backed data'. 'hydroponics or aeroponics' along with natural sun ( vegging , clones, mother) + depending on the garden [parameters], **a few HPS lighting. As far as the watering goes, irrigating a well stocked pond provides most if not all of the essential 'vitamins' .. Another side note..haha Lady bugs love thermytes but they're only sold in bags of 2,000, so good-luck fishing them out of drainline. They also Bite
cool! I dabbled in learning permaculture and ultimately, I'd like a food forest. Sounds great, welcome! It might help in future posts to use the # or ## symbols in front of the sentence. Also, create a line break. It would be easier to read your post that way.
also, for people like me who are super visually-oriented, a photo would be great. also, here's the code to add a photo:

You need to upload your photo to another website to link it here. i use this: http://postimage.org/?_ga=1.59149679.356484408.1465575322
I use to make red worm compost! Lots of leaves too. Really interested in aquaponics too, no experience there yet. I have even seen people growing algae indoors which is interesting for its heavy metal detox properties.
Can you post some photos of your freaking awesome garden? How do photos work on Steem, anyway?
WoWoWoWoW :)
So beautiful! I too am in the process of creating my own permaculture garden and hope to some day be self-sustaining.
It is inspiring to see others also trying alternative gardening methods.
I can smell the "green"
you need to fix some of the photos but good work