I know I had a blast!!
Tumblr really did have this whole cryptocurrency thing going on, but it was THEIR April Fool's Day prank, and it was GLORIOUS LMAO
It even tanked really crazy like
I don't know how you can own something that's worth a negative amount LMAO but it was great XDD
I even had a trade going on lol
Trickster!Kankri is probably my favorite thing from yesterday LOL:
(It was -30TBC because the TBC price was in the negative at the time LMAO)
Everybody was posting things like, "Okay, it's April 1st, let's get this Rick Rolling over with" and link to something that's supposed to be a Rick Roll, BUT THEN THEY SWAP IT WITH SOMETHING AND AS WE SPEAK I'M LISTENING TO [A RICK ROLL FUSED WITH DARUDE SANDSTORM] XDDDDDD
Actually the Horse Friend meme that I posted got so many notes
I did a T-Pose Trickster version and people loved it LMAO
So yeah, I honestly don't tend to care much about April Fool's Day, but I had a BLAST yesterday LMAO
Did you guys like [my Steemit prank]??
And what kind of prankster shenanagains did YOU GUYS get up to yesterday?? ',:y