You are the one to blame

Hi all!

I haven't been on the platform for a long time, unfortunately...
Naturally, I missed you and her!

The reason for my absence was a computer breakdown which, to my great regret, cannot be repaired.

My son did his best to set up an old computer that is VERY VERY SLOW!!!
In addition, it can freeze at any moment and for a long time.
test my patience.

Yesterday, with joy, I sat down willingly to post and show you the beautiful bloom of my flowers.

Oh... I discovered that all my photos, videos for several years have disappeared, and there are several thousand of them!!! ....

And on the hard drive were all the old ones.
My son showed me how to transfer photos and videos from a tablet to a disk ... and I, it turns out, transferred to a computer :-( now I'm paying for my stupidity.
But on the computer there were videos and photos not only of flowers.

Well, I will now deal with the hard drive, what I exhibited and what not.
There should be photos on the disk, at least I hope that I did not exhibit them.

Now I need to buy a new computer, but at the moment I can't.



Oh no!!! I was wondering why we haven't seen you for a while

I didn't sleep half the night... I almost cried.
Lose so many photos and videos.
And when I say thousands of photos have disappeared, it is much more than 3-5 thousand!!!!!!

it is some years of one's life, compressed.... I do feel your sorrow. . .

я полночи не спала и чуть не плакала...
Там были фото и видео отпуска, с родственниками и подругами, посещение музеев, выставок, прогулки в парках, пикники, базары. Виды моего города и Кипра, цветов, насекомых и т.д.
Всего этого у меня было около 8 тысяч..... за несколько лет...

надо для этого держать внешний накопитель.

у меня есть, по моей бесстолковости я думала что на него фото и видео перебрасываю, а ведь сын мне показывал как надо...
совсем я чайник!

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same... exactly today in the morning, when I was brewing my coffee, I suddenly thought that it have been a while without Ludmila's comments and new posts. . . loosing data shit is inevitable, again and again.
ps. lately I've been working on my external hard drive with large (200MB) files, and started encountering more errors, some of my files disappeared /i.e. became corrupted - their content have disappeared/. And I have no idea who or what I should blame: weighty files? usb connection? old computers, or simply the extra heat? or my black luck... ehehe.

Damn. Maybe old computers

Maybe. This have happened a few times at desktop of my extra employer, not at home...

Oh no :( Been there done that.
I had hundreds of photos on my old laptop. Also family photos.... and then one day it just died. My own fault I didn't back up the albums often enough.

So it is with me too, now we understand each other in this loss...

Alexis tells me that I should learn how to work on a computer.
Unfortunately, there are state lessons on the computer only in the capital of Cyprus.
It's cheap, but it's expensive to get there...
There is a way out, you need (when possible) to buy an anti-stress hard drive to store copies of photos and videos on it from another hard drive.

I have an external drive that I put stuff on. Just didn't do it on time in this case.

I also have an external drive connected to the computer and I thought that I was transferring photos to it, but it turned out to be on the computer :-(

Oh! I thought you were on a holiday! Please use your tablet!!

Unfortunately, I delete the downloaded photos and videos from the tablet :-(
I think that there are a few photos left on it that I did not have time to delete

Oh! Dear! Please go out to gardens and shops or parks around your area to take new photos!! Never see any street cats in your city! No stray cats?!

The fact is that I lost not only photos of my plants, but also photos of exhibitions, excursions, photos when visiting a museum in the occupied territory of Cyprus.
Photos taken on vacation, photos of walks, meetings with friends and relatives, photos of picnics, photos taken in Russia :-(

Oh! I thought you were on a holiday!

I had a lot of photos taken on vacation...

Not sure if that is an option at your location, but buying a second-handed PC (notebook) is a great option here, where I live (I use avito - Russian version of ebay for this purpose). last autumn I obtained a very nice Dell notebook workstation for my wife, costed much as 100k roubles (2-3 times less than new!...) and you better have a backup of your digital archive kept at external drive. ofc its a silly thing to say: "backup! Backup!' after the data loss already have happened....

my 1Tb Toshiba (champagne-colored) looks like this:

Спасибо за совет, но на Кипре нет комис.магазинов.
А покупать с рук, не вариант, влипнуть можно.
Внешний диск у меня есть, отсутсвуют знания работы с компьютером :-(
Я хочу пойти на гос.курсы по компьютеру, они недорогие, но в моём городе их нет.
А ездить в столицу обойдётся очень дорого.
Кое-какие фото и видео я не успела удалить с планшета, попрошу сына опять мне показать как перекинуть и запишу на этот раз, чтобы опять всё не потерять.

Но вот компьютер мне нужен новый.
Как появится возможность сын закажет все части и потом соберёт, так выйдет намного дешевле.
Свой он так покупал.
На этот раз я куплю настольный а не Laptop.

да, настольный дешевле - а главное, меньше греется. смотря что и как собрать конечно. теперь я понял, почему вы говорите что предыдущий "починке не поддается"... для меня-то, "компьютер" всегда подразумевает десктоп, то есть кучу взаимозаменяемых и чинибельных частей... а ноутбуки, телефоны, планшеты - это да, такие гад-же-ты, которые если сломались то чинить дороже чем купить новый.

ок, желаю вам спасти из данных -- что только можно!..

На Кипре наоборот, настольный дороже.