Apple iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus recently went on sale in India amid mixed response among buyers. Apple also launched the 10th year anniversary edition smartphone, the iPhone X, which is expected to go on sale starting November 3. Even before its release, reports hint that the Apple iPhone X (256GB) is in high demand in the US. The iPhone X is notably the most expensive iPhone Apple has ever made. The 64GB variant is priced at Rs 89,000, whereas the 128GB storage variant will set you back by Rs 1,02,000.
According to a research from RBC Capital Markets, more people are willing to opt for iPhone X when compared to iPhone 8 or iPhone 8 Plus. Edge-to-edge display, glass back, wireless charging and facial recognition are some of the most popular features of the iPhone X. Around 57 percent people have shown their interest for the 256GB storage variant of the iPhone X, the report states. On the other hand, 45 percent of users said they would prefer the 256GB model of the iPhone 8. RBC’s survey was conducted with a total participation of more than 4,000 people in the US.
It's really amazing products by apple.
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