Apple falling behind?

in #apple8 years ago

04-google-fights.w710.h473.jpgDo you think Apple is falling behind and has missed the boat on many fronts?

  • falling behind on A.I. to Google?
  • falling behind on Siri to Amazon Echo and Google?
  • falling behind on A.R./V.R. to Microsoft HoloLense?
  • falling behind on TV to all of the connected TVs?
  • falling behind on OS and features to Android?
  • falling behind on innovation to Tesla?

I guess we'll find out at WWDC this week.

"Apple? Google? Tesla? Which Will Be The First To Reach A $1 Trillion Market Cap?"

"Google Doesn’t Want to Beat Apple. It Wants to Beat Everyone."


Apple had its time with the iPhone, however the post-Steve Apple isn't innovating at all, unless they do something phenomenally ground breaking they are going to be taking a back stage in the years to come. However they will be profitable and make good money, but the excitement would have long withered away.

i feel like apple is a cult as i type this on my mac but anyways people but it because it has a following so if they are a little behind they will be fine and compairing them to google isn't really fair since google dosent exactly make too much hardware
