Is FaceID really a better unlocking method?

in #apple7 years ago


Apples new faceID soft and hardware is going to replace the fingerprint sensor in the new IphoneX!

Is this really necessary and a better unlocking method?

FaceID works by scanning your face in 3D with thousands of dots using two cameras to determine depht.
This means you cant trick it with a picture (like other face unlocking technologies) which makes it pretty secure.

Apple is so confident in FaceID, that they straight up removed the fingerprint scanner.
The fingerprint scanner is also very secure. Because it senses (apart from your fingerprint of course) also the fingers conductivity which is only matched by a real finger (this is why your phone doesnt turn on your screen if something touches your fingerprint sensor).


I think the fingerprint scanner is the best unlocking method we have right now. Considering security and mostly useability.
I dont think FaceID is really going to catch on.
Just because I dont think it is going to work as reliably as the fingerprint sensor.
Im using a OnePlus 3t right now and as I am pulling it out of my pocket I press the fingerprint scanner and it`s unlocked
as soon as I look on it.

Comments (and upvotes) are greatly appreciated. And I will respond to every comment.

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