... come to the point where you didn’t have anything new to tell?
I’m not talking about a classic writer’s block here or an uninspired time, I’m rather referring to a moment of deep fulfillment that makes you believe that you’ve accomplished everything you had been aiming for as an artist in your genre.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t wanna sound presumptions.
You may now tell me: Who do you think you are, with those handful surf videos you believe you’ve hit your peak?
Well honestly: Yes.
In other (my father’s) words:
This is your hundredth surf video, I can’t believe they’re still giving you money for it.
Oh, daddy I love your cruel but adorable honesty.
My priority has always been to have an impact on my audience.
Yes, writing is an incredibly selfish process since you assume that people would actually like or even reward what keeps yourself busy.
Yet, if there wasn’t anybody engaging or identifying with our stories, this would be a quite biased and also sad scenario.
No, we don’t create content for ourselves, we definitely create it to interact, connect, leave a mark, build legacy, educate, teach, inspire, amuse and so on.
What do you think: Are we all able to do that job forever?
Let me know in the comments if you want.
Big hugs & much love from the beach, Marley - ❤️
I have made hundreds of posts now about Steem and other light topics.
I grow weary of myself! :)
I also feel committed to engagement and involvement from those of us who have been around for a while.
Do you think maybe we just have burn out?
I am feeling the burn right now, but hopefully it wont last too long.
I am feeling the
Burn right now, but hopefully
It wont last too long.
- abh12345
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
I have to chill out. I think I want to manage the outcome and it makes me tired.
Sounds as if we needed one of these support groups.
Oh I love your comment, @whatsup! It's so great to feel understood :-)
I feel being caught in the middle between that commitment you mentioned on one hand, and the weariness on the other hand.
Yes, I honestly feel a bit burn out on a creativity level right now.
!dramatoken(s) 😄
I realized yesterday, I have a serious burn out that snuck up on me. :)
minus x minus = plus 🙃🙌
You're upping the drama to new levels! Have a DRAMA.
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go to steem-engine.com.I've been feeling quite bored of myself of late. It could be burn out. I'm less inclined to even care about grammar lol... perfectionism is dead inside. Blah blah blah. Still, I write into the void!!!
Posted using Partiko Android
Haha, yeah I know what you're talking about.
So we're already four people with the same symptom in this thread. Sounds like we needed a support group!! :-D
Haha.. we can sit around and say how fabulously inane we all are! Woo! PS not bored of you x
Posted using Partiko Android
Trying something new and outside your comfort zone can be a way to relight the fire.
Oh I'm doing that all the time. But I'm a little bit tired of talking about it :-)
Well I think I'm much younger to answer this question, lol
But yeah till now I think this point in my life never came where I don't have anything new to tell🤔, maybe not sure though.
Yeah at the end of the post I saw you ask that are we able to do this Job forever
So yeah definitely not , if we are going to consider this as a Job , I mean at a certain point each & everyone of us gonna retired from it.
But if we consider this as our Passion then definitely we are able to carried this out till the end of our life💪.
I mean take an example of Hollywood actors, I mean I don't even think so that “Sylvester Stallone” consider acting as his job, if he consider this as his job maybe at this age he would just leave the acting, I think it's his passion that keeps him motivating to continue with his acting
“No one Likes to do Job but everyone loves to follow their Own passion and if they got paid for their passion then even if he's condition got worst too at a certain point then too I can guarantee that he or she will definitely gonna follow their passion till the end of their life 😊”
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That's a great point. But even though I'd consider content creation a passion (and it definitely is a passion to me), then this wouldn't change my current state either :-)
I've been submitting 15,500 posts to this chain since summer 2016, which has been quite a ride. So I kinda feel a bit exhausted right now :-)
15,500 that's really a very huge number , I highly appreciated it :) also thanks a lot for believing so much in Steem Blockchain .
Well if you got a bit of exhausted then a proper break becomes really very necessary, Take a short or long break whichever you think it's comfortable for you , try to sleep as much as you can, so that your mind can get a proper amount of peace 😊 , Proper Sleep will definitely gonna help you out to come out from that exhaustion , I can guaranteed that :)
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Life is not stagnant, we must revolve with nature, everything in life repeats itself! We must move on with same format.
Posted using Partiko iOS
I don't think there is such thing as a must in life :-)
God knows how many post, content, topics I have written about since I have joined steemit. The dynamic is to create a bound you and the audience even though if has been written before.
That's true. But if it doesn't come out of you naturally, then it's not gonna establish that connection.
Dear, can you help me. For some money i can not admit B.Sc course.please help me send some steem or sbd. God bless you
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Here's your
. Don't spend it all in one place!To view or trade
go to steem-engine.com.I have these moments when I tell myself, calm down... go with the flow....
It's ok if you are not earning as much as that Steemian, or churning out as many posts as the other
I have always had a need to enjoy what I do... and on that note, that's my accomplishment
I'm still here and enjoying it at my pace :)
Have a great weekend :D
Hey, @surfermarly.
I've managed to catch my fourth or fifth wind here (lots of burnout earlier on), but I seem to be on a renewed sense of purpose. I guess I'm just saying that because burnout certainly happens, and the permanent remedy to is not something I have cornered. I doubt that it can be, since we're human.
And I will probably burnout again. It seems rather inevitable, and I suppose it depends on how we react to inevitability too.
So far, it's been working out to change the focus on who I'm doing this all for. Trying to do it strictly for others hasn't worked, and doing it strictly for me hasn't worked out much better. But finding the balance between the two, that's working so far.
I kind of post for myself, and see if others will come along. I then engage/curate on others' posts in hopes of adding value and/or furthering the conversation.
So, sometimes its burnout, sometimes its full bore with passion behind it, but a lot of time, it's something in between, with some grinding involved. :)
As far as creating goes, there's way too much in my head to stop yet. As far as something new to tell—elements of stories have been retold over and over. There isn't much newness. I think they've actually diagrammed all the stories you can possibly tell. As long as they're new to you and your audience, I think it's all good.
Hey Marly!
We've only begun to write the stories!
Trust me, there are countless stories left to tell!
Sure, we get tired. It's like a day at the beach. We paddle hard to catch some waves, and we get a little winded. But then, we come lie on the beach, soak up some sun, chat with a few friends and before we know it; we're back out there in the lineup. There's not much in life like the joy of riding a good wave! Except maybe creating some good content...😉
So, catch your breath, Sweetie... take a nap or two... and then you'll be back in the lineup creating all the wonderful content that you are so good at doing.
Big hugs and much love right back at'cha! ❤️

P.S. I've been in a slump lately myself... But I am still full of stories. When I catch my breath, I'll be writing more of them again, just watch... ;)