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RE: APPICS - A next generation Social Network - My First MILESTONE!

in #appics7 years ago

am happy and certain of my decision to be involved in APPICS. Thanks again!Thank you so much @bryan-imhoff for your explanation, as I began to worry about this comment above and couldn't quite put a response into such depth you have, as after all, I am still a beginner myself! Your post has helped answer questions for not just @dhouse , but for me too and I am confident in confirming that I


You're welcome, I love thinking about this stuff! I certainly don't have all the answers, it's hard to envision where we'll be in another year, 5 years, or more. But it's exciting and Appics looks very serious, professional, and exciting. I'm just disappointed it seems I can't even participate in the bounty system being a US resident.

Oh no! .. That's not fair! How frustrating... However, I'm sure that once it takes off and you get going, it will all pay off then ;-)

Perhaps I can participate... I can't get to the nifty dashboard you have pictured above, but I did find some direct sign up links for the different bounty accounts. Put in a couple and we'll see if it works!

@brian-imhoff I’m sure you will be able to participate via steemit. Thanks for your informative well thought out reasonable comments. The best quality comments get rewarded (please see above) ;))

Thanks much! I was just snowed in today and it was a great opportunity to read plenty of Steemit and muse about the future!

Sounds like you're in the right place to me! Yayy. In order to link your Steemit account, it instructs you to send 0.001 steem to phenom so they can verify it is you. Hope this makes sense and you can participate!