Western chorus frogs have inhabited our backyard pond! We’ve been watching and l ...

in #appics6 years ago

... istening to them for a few months now. I’ll post a short video clip below(not mine)...so you can hear the sound these particular frogs make. They start singing just as the sun is setting...every night. They sing us to sleep. :)) Our son loves it!! They are a HUGE benefit to our food forest! Tons of insects being eaten by these guys. :))) Thanks for tuning in today Appics community and Steem Blockchain! We appreciate all of you!! -Jake and the Raw Utah family


Powered by APPICS - visit us at appics.com)%20Our%20son%20loves%20it!!%20They%20are%20a%20HUGE%20benefit%20to%20our%20food%20forest!%20Tons%20of%20insects%20being%20eaten%20by%20these%20guys.%20:)))%20%20Thanks%20for%20tuning%20in%20today%20Appics%20community%20and%20Steem%20Blockchain!%20We%20appreciate%20all%20of%20you!!%20-Jake%20and%20the%20Raw%20Utah%20family&category=animal&hashtags=life+nature+palnet&author=rawutah&profileImageUrl=https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/backend-alpha-kw-8/profileImages/495-640&permlink=alpha-kw-8-appics-im-26293))%20Our%20son%20loves%20it!!%20They%20are%20a%20HUGE%20benefit%20to%20our%20food%20forest!%20Tons%20of%20insects%20being%20eaten%20by%20these%20guys.%20:)))%20%20Thanks%20for%20tuning%20in%20today%20Appics%20community%20and%20Steem%20Blockchain!%20We%20appreciate%20all%20of%20you!!%20-Jake%20and%20the%20Raw%20Utah%20family&category=animal&hashtags=life+nature+palnet&author=rawutah&profileImageUrl=https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/backend-alpha-kw-8/profileImages/495-640&permlink=alpha-kw-8-appics-im-26293)


Natural and very pure singing. If only Seha had been told about the song sung ... ;)

Aloha, my brother! Have fun and enjoy!🙏

hehe.....yah i wonder what they are saying to each other as they sing. ;) aloha dear sister! we appreciate you so so much!

It is a pleasant sound, which speaks of peace and vegetation in the place. I think he invites you to sleep hehehe. I guess they will do it early too. Good friends of the environment.

yes! :)))) he's inviting us to sleep and we sure do!!!! so soundly! thank you my friend! :))

Hello Jake, how are you doing? Wow ... you also love animals, Jake ... you're really kind. In my area frogs often sound their voices when it will rain. That's why it's called an animal that calls rain. But I am afraid of poisonous frogs, Jake. Enjoy your day, man.

hello dear friend! :) you too...are very kind...and i see that. :) thank you for all your kind words...and time you take to stop by and comment. i would love to hear the frogs sing in your area ....after the rain. oh...i love that!!!!! "the animal that calls the rain." so true, in your area there must be many dangerous frogs. i will study the frogs of indonesia. i'm fascinated! have a beautiful day!

listen to their sound....here:

more on the western chorus frog: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_chorus_frog

Western chorus frog
The western chorus frog (Pseudacris triseriata), also known as striped chorus frog, or midland chorus frog is a species of frog found in Canada and the United States.